The changing image of affordable housing : design, gentrification and community in Canada and Europe / Ulduz Maschaykh.
Entrée principale:

Maschaykh, Ulduz.

Titre et auteur:

The changing image of affordable housing : design, gentrification and community in Canada and Europe / Ulduz Maschaykh.


Farnham, Surrey, UK ; Burlington, VT : Ashgate, [2015]


viii, 168 pages ; 25 cm

Includes bibliographical references and index.
Machine generated contents note: Defining `Liveability', `Affordability' and `Affordable Housing' -- Why Affordable Housing Matters -- Methodology and Outline -- 1. From Eighteenth-Century Landed Gentry to Twenty-First-Century Gentrification -- The Working Class, the Aristocracy and the Landed Gentry: First Use of `Gentrification' -- Gentrification: An Illusion of Inclusion? -- Abandoned Spaces become Profitable Spaces: Rent-Gap Theory -- From Rent to Private Property: The Value Gap -- The Rise of the Creative Class: Why Cities Need Creative People -- The Sacred Space of the Artist -- Mixed-Income Neighbourhoods: Mixed Opinions and Views -- pt. I EARLY BEGINNINGS OF AFFORDABLE HOUSING -- 2. Affordable Housing in Austria and Germany -- Superblocks and Settlements: Dwelling Architecture of Red Vienna -- Changing Attitudes to Affordable Architecture in Germany -- 3. Changing Images of Affordable Architecture in Twenty-First-Century Germany -- Cologne: City of Contrasts -- Hamburg: Capital of Germany's Housing Co-operatives -- The Heterogeneous Face of Affordable and Liveable Architecture in Germany -- pt. II CANADA'S APPROACH TO AFFORDABLE ARCHITECTURE -- 4. Victoria: Preserving the Past and Reviving Prosperity -- Setting a Cornerstone for Gentrification? The Cornerstone Initiative -- A Place by the Park: Park Place -- Affordable Housing in Burnside Gorge: Gentrification of an Industrial Neighbourhood -- Heritage as Commodity -- 5. Vancouver: Creating Affordability in the World's Most Liveable City -- Living First in the Liveable City -- Reliving History, Revitalizing the Present: Woodward's and Downtown Eastside -- Maximum Liveability on Minimum Space: Vintage Meets Contemporary Living at Burns Block -- Skwachays Lodge: Affordable Housing for Aboriginal Artists -- Coal Harbour: Glass-and-Concrete Jungle Surrounded by Water -- 6. The Poor, the Lost, the Forgotten: Housing the Hardest to House -- Doug Story Apartments: Precedence in Urban Planning -- Kelowna: Living the Leisure Life in the Okanagan Valley -- Willowbridge: Transitional Housing Deluxe -- In the Midst of Difficulty: New Opportunities for Women, Canada -- Senior Housing in Kelowna.
Table of contents

9781472437792 (hardback ; alk. paper)
1472437799 (hardback ; alk. paper)


Public housing Canada Design and construction.
Public housing Europe Design and construction.
Housing development Canada.
Housing development Europe.
Architects and housing developers Canada.
Architects and housing developers Europe.
Gentrification Canada.
Gentrification Europe.
Promotion résidentielle Canada.
Promotion résidentielle Europe.
Architectes et promoteurs résidentiels Canada.
Architectes et promoteurs résidentiels Europe.
Embourgeoisement (Urbanisme) Canada.
Embourgeoisement (Urbanisme) Europe.
Architects and housing developers.
Housing development.
Public housing Design and construction.
Sozialer Wohnungsbau
(fast)Architects and housing developers.
(fast)Housing development.
(fast)Public housing--Design and construction.


Localisation: Bibliothèque main 290718
Cote: BIB 233852
Statut: Disponible


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