What if ...? : the architecture and design of David Rockwell / edited by Chee Pearlman ; With contributions by Justin Davidson, Elizabeth Diller, John Guare, Jack O'Brien.
New York, N.Y. : Metropolis Books, [2014]
335 pages : color illustrations ; 26 cm
Widely admired for his sophistication, creativity and exuberance, David Rockwell is one of the leading architects, interiors architects and set designers working today. For over 30 years, he has explored his desire to imagine new worlds, to tell stories and to engage with others. This interest is rooted in his sense of play and possibility--an endless curiosity that continually drives him to ask, "What if?" What if you could step inside a crystal goblet? What if your environment transformed with every step? What if a restaurant could vanish at a moment's notice? What if your ultimate escapist fantasy was real? What If ? presents a wide array of Rockwell's brilliant explorations of the rich intersection between architecture and theater. Through immersive imagery and behind-the-scenes details, Rockwell introduces readers to 35 projects, from initial driving idea through physical realization. Works include the famed Nobu Fifty Seven and the newcomer TAO Downtown in New York, the W Paris Opéra, the West Lobby at The Cosmopolitan in Las Vegas and the newly opened TED Theater in Vancouver; set designs for the Academy Awards, Kinky Boots and Hairspray; the Hall of Fragments at the 2008 Venice Architecture Biennale and Jamie Oliver's traveling teaching kitchen, the Food Revolution truck. Engaging texts by Tony Award-winning playwright and screenplay writer John Guare, Tony Award-winning director and producer Jack O'Brien and Pulitzer Prize-winning critic Justin Davidson--written specially for this publication--and a conversation between Rockwell and acclaimed architect Elizabeth Diller round out this spectacular, celebratory volume.
9781938922565 (hardcover)
1938922565 (hardcover)
Rockwell, David, 1956- Themes, motives.
Rockwell, David, Themes, motives.
Rockwell, David, 1956-
Rockwell Group.
Themes, motives
Pearlman, Chee, editor.
Davidson, Justin, 1966- contributor.
Diller, Elizabeth, contributor.
Guare, John, contributor.
Rockwell, David, 1956- Works. Selections.
Architecture and design of David Rockwell
Localisation: Bibliothèque main 288672
Cote: BIB 230517
Statut: Disponible
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