Avermaete, Tom, author.
Casablanca Chandigarh : a report on modernization / Tom Avermaete, Maristella Casciato ; photographic missions by Yto Barrada, Takashi Homma.
Montréal, Québec, Canada : CCA, Canadian Centre for Architecture = Centre canadien d'architecture ; Zürich, Switzerland : Park Books, [2014]
367 pages : illustrations (chiefly colour) ; 24 cm
"This book documents two complementary urban realities that have played a fundamental role in the imagination, definition and redefinition of the twentieth-century modern city. Shifting away from an understanding of architecture as the construction of monumental masterpieces, the texts collected here assemble the narratives behind the public spaces, housing and social facilities in these two cities, where modern plans have proven unexpectedly resilient and adaptable over time. This perspective is reinforced through visual contributions by Yto Barrada and Takashi Homma--two photographers especially invested in capturing everyday urban life. In a world marked by decolonization and Cold War politics, Casablanca and Chandigarh appear simultaneously as exponents of and counter currents to modernization and its development perspectives. The book's three chapters set the context for reading Casablanca and Chandigarh as the results of nuanced, dynamic processes of international exchange driven by the engagement and expertise of a new class of design professionals. As a dossier of actors, alignments and agendas, the book contributes to an alternative historiography of post-war urbanism and to recent reflections on the impact of transnational practice."--Cover.
9783906027364 (Park Books)
City planning India Chandīgarh.
City planning Morocco Casablanca.
Urbanisme Inde Chandigarh.
Urbanisme Maroc Casablanca.
City planning
India Chandīgarh
Morocco Casablanca
Exhibition Publications.
Exhibition catalogs
Casciato, Maristella, author.
Barrada, Yto, 1971- photographer.
Honma, Takashi, 1962- photographer.
Centre canadien d'architecture, issuing body.
Localisation: Bibliothèque study room cca productions 286820
Cote: NA9252.C5 A9 2014a
Exemplaire: c. 3
Statut: Disponible
Localisation: Bibliothèque cage cca productions 286819
Cote: 2013-7a
Exemplaire: c. 2
Statut: Disponible
Localisation: Bibliothèque cage cca productions 286492
Cote: 2013-7a
Exemplaire: c. 1
Statut: Disponible
Localisation: Bibliothèque main 286821
Cote: NA9252.C5 A9 2014a
Exemplaire: c. 4
Statut: Disponible
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