The city as resource : texts and projects 2005-2014 : Chair of Prof. Kees Christiaanse, ETH Zurich / editors, Tim Rieniets, Nicolas Kretschmann, Myriam Perret ; authors, Martina Baum [... and others] ; translation from German, Katherine Taylor, Maisie Fitzpatrick.
Berlin : Jovis Verlag GmbH, [2014]
248 pages : illustrations (some color), maps, plans ; 27 cm
"Resources are the stuff of which the future is made. The city itself is a resource, as it opens up a wide range of possibilities for every individual and for society as a whole. The city is not an inexhaustible resource, however. Only if it is used in a sustainable way and if it does not solely serve short-term, isolated interests, can it also fulfill the needs of future generations. The biggest challenge for contemporary urban design is, therefore, to plan the city itself as a regenerative cycle, not only in terms of shaping its spatial and aesthetic qualities, but also in relation to its development over time. Using articles, student projects, and examples, this book presents methods and strategies for designing the city as a resource; it thus lends a new meaning to the idea of sustainable building"--Provided by publisher.
9783868591446 (English edition ; pbk.)
3868591443 (English edition ; pbk.)
Sustainable urban development.
Urbanisme durable.
Offentliga platser.
Hållbar utveckling.
Rieniets, Tim, editor, author.
Kretschmann, Nicolas, 1972- editor.
Perret, Myriam, 1987- editor.
Baum, Martina, author.
Taylor, Katherine (Translator), translator.
Fitzpatrick, Maisie, translator.
Localisation: Bibliothèque main 296647
Cote: BIB 237761
Notes: publisher's band
Statut: Disponible
Localisation: Bibliothèque main 293111
Cote: BIB 237761
Statut: Disponible
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