Who cares for Chilean cities? = ¿Quién se preocupa por las ciudades chilenas? / eds. Francisco Díaz, Alejandro de Castro.
New York, NY : GSAPP Books ; Santiago, Chile : ARQ Ediciones, [2014]
230 pages : illustrations (some color), maps, plans ; 24 cm
Who Cares for Chilean Cities? presents local and international voices providing a critical snapshot of recent Chilean urban projects, public spaces, and architectures. It explores the credentials and potentials of Chilean contemporary practices beyond the external categorizations that have received from specialized media, analyzing them instead in relation to the city and the question of public space. This book shows a selection of projects made by Chilean scholars Luis Eduardo Bresciani, Romy Hecht, and Rodrigo Pérez de Arce, which is assessed by the international scholars Saskia Sassen, Stan Allen and Iaki Ábalos, and it's followed by the conversations between them moderated by Columbia GSAPP Professors Clara Irazábal, Galia Solomonoff and Enrique Walker, plus a reflection on Chilean cities and public space by Mark Wigley.
City planning Chile.
City planning
Díaz, Francisco, 1980- editor.
Castro, Alejandro de, editor.
Columbia University. Graduate School of Architecture, Planning, and Preservation, issuing body.
¿Quién se preocupa por las ciudades chilenas?
Localisation: Bibliothèque main 294276
Cote: BIB 239701
Statut: Disponible
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