Basar, Shumon, author.
The age of earthquakes : a guide to the extreme present / Shumon Basar, Douglas Coupland, Hans Ulrich Obrist ; cover design by Wayne Daly ; cover art by Alex Mackin Dolan.
New York, New York : Blue Rider Press, [2015]
253 pages : illustrations ; 18 cm
A highly provocative, mindbending, beautifully designed, and visionary look at the landscape of our rapidly evolving digital era. 50 years after Marshall McLuhan's ground breaking book on the influence of technology on culture in The Medium is the Massage, Basar, Coupland and Obrist extend the analysis to today, touring the world that's redefined by the Internet, decoding and explaining what they call the 'extreme present'.
9780399173868 (paperback)
0399173862 (paperback)
Internet Social aspects.
Internet users.
Information society.
Internet and environmentalism.
Internet Aspect social.
Société informatisée.
Internet et environnementalisme.
artists' books (books)
Trivia and miscellanea.
Artists' books.
Livres d'artistes.
Coupland, Douglas, author.
Obrist, Hans Ulrich, author.
Daly, Wayne, book designer.
Localisation: Bibliothèque main y 289217
Cote: BIB 231503
Statut: Disponible
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