Friedman, Avi, 1952- author.
A view from the porch : rethinking home and community design / Avi Friedman.
Montréal, Québec, Canada : Véhicule Press, [2015]
271 pages : illustrations ; 18 cm
"A View from the Porch is an illuminating collection of 22 essays about the points where design touches life and the big and small things that make us appreciate, or become disconnected from, our homes and neighbourhoods. Drawing on his experiences as an architect, planner, world traveller, and educator, Friedman delves into issues such as the North American obsession with monster homes, the impact of scale on the feeling of comfort in our communities, environmental concerns such as deforestation, innovative recycling methods in building materials, the booming do-it-yourself industry, the decline of craftsmanship, and the role of good design in bringing families together. Written with Friedman's trademark flare A View from the Porch offers a compelling vision of the influence of design in our everyday lives from one of the world's most innovative thinkers. This is a totally revised edition, with new material, of Room for Thought published in 2005"-- Provided by publisher.
9781550653991 (paperback)
1550653997 (paperback)
City planning Social aspects.
Architecture, Domestic Social aspects.
Dwellings Social aspects.
Sustainable living.
Urbanisme Aspect social.
Architecture domestique Aspect social.
Habitations Aspect social.
Style de vie durable.
Localisation: Bibliothèque main y 291958
Cote: BIB 235854
Statut: Disponible
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