Salt & silver : early photography 1840-1860 from the Wilson Centre for Photography / editors, Marta Braun, Hope Kingsley ; project editor, Polly Fleury.
First edition.
London : MACK, [2015]
195 pages : illustrations, portraits ; 29 cm
"Salt prints are the very first photographs on paper that still exist today. Made in the first twenty years of photography, they are the results of esoteric knowledge and skill. Individual, sometimes unpredictable, and ultimately magical, the chemical capacity to "fix a shadow" on light sensitive paper, coated in silver salts, was believed to be a kind of alchemy, where nature drew its own picture. Salt and Silver brings together over 100 plates drawn from the Wilson Centre for Photography, accompanied by two roundtable discussions with curators, academics, historians and collectors from world renowned institutions. Encompassing many of the great works of the period, the publication includes prints by Edouard Baldus, Louis Blanquart-Evrard, Mathew Brady, Charles Clifford, Louis De Clercq, Maxime Du Camp, Roger Fenton, Jean-Baptiste Frenet, Charles Hugo, David Octavius Hill, Robert Adamson, Calvert Richard Jones, Gustave Le Gray, Henri Le Secq, Charles Marville, Felix Nadar, Charles Negre, Felice Beato, Auguste Salzmann, William Henry Fox Talbot, Felix Teynard and Linnaeus Tripe."--Provided by publisher.
9781910164167 (paperback)
191016416X (paperback)
Wilson Center for Photography (London, England)
Wilson Centre for Photography
Photography History 19th century Exhibitions.
Photographie Histoire 19e siècle Expositions.
calotypes (negatives)
calotype (process)
Exhibition catalogs.
exhibition catalogs.
Catalogues d'exposition.
Braun, Marta, editor.
Kingsley, Hope, editor.
Fleury, Polly, editor.
Tate Britain (Gallery), host institution.
Wilson Center for Photography (London, England)
Salt and silver
Localisation: Bibliothèque main 290981
Cote: BIB 234243
Statut: Disponible
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