Life of work : what office design can learn from the world around us / Jeremy Myerson, Imogen Privett.
Entrée principale:

Myerson, Jeremy, author.

Titre et auteur:

Life of work : what office design can learn from the world around us / Jeremy Myerson, Imogen Privett.


London, UK : Black Dog Publishing, [2014]


143 pages : illustrations (some color), color map ; 20 cm

Includes bibliographical references and index.
Process and experience: What we need to learn -- Knowledge interactions: Learning from the library -- Emotional landscapes: Learning from the theatre -- Flexible interventions: Learning from the urban realm -- Extreme teams: Learning from the frontline -- Framework for change: Learning a new language.

"Life of Work: What Office Design Can Learn From the World Around Us sets out to make the twenty-first century workplace a more dynamic, engaging, colourful, flexible and inclusive place. Jeremy Myerson and Imogen Privett, from the Royal College of Art in London, looked in some unlikely places for ideas and inspiration--the academic library, theatre design, pop up events in the city and intensive team environments in air traffic control, emergency medical departments and the newsroom. Working from the position that, whilst the design of most contemporary offices satisfies physical and functional requirements, it seldom supports the psychological comfort and individual needs of the people who use them every working day, Life of Work offers an agenda for change that has significant implications for every level of workplace design and implementation. Based on a major research project between the Helen Hamlyn Centre for Design at the RCA and two global industry partners, Haworth and Philips Lighting, Life of Work will be of value to anyone who has an interest in architecture or interior design, the politics and management of the working environment, space design and urban planning, as well as furniture design"--Back cover.


9781908966780 (paperback)
1908966785 (paperback)


Office layout.
Offices Design.
Work environment Design.
Office decoration.
Public spaces Design.
Bureaux Aménagement.
Bureaux Décoration.

Vedettes secondaires:

Privett, Imogen, author.

What office design can learn from the world around us


Localisation: Bibliothèque main 289242
Cote: BIB 231537
Statut: Disponible


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