Art and the F Word : reflections on the browning of Europe / edited by Maria Lind, What, How & for Whom/WHW ; contributions by Lawrence Abu Hamdan, Petra Bauer and Sofia Wiberg [and five others].
Titre et auteur:

Art and the F Word : reflections on the browning of Europe / edited by Maria Lind, What, How & for Whom/WHW ; contributions by Lawrence Abu Hamdan, Petra Bauer and Sofia Wiberg [and five others].


Berlin : Sternberg Press, 2014.


329 pages, includes 24 unnumbered pages of plates : illustrations ; 19 cm

" ... published within the project 'Beginning as Well as We Can (How Do We Talk about Fascism?), ' a long-term collaborative platform of three organizations: What, How & from Whom/WHW (Zagreb), Tensta konstall (Stockholm), and Grazer Kunstverein (Graz)."--Page 328
Includes bibliographical references.
Cultural heritage: the context of an obsession / Boris Buden -- On a certain problem with spelling: the center and the periphery of Europe--a few notes on Serbia and the Netherlands / Jelena Vesić -- The captured institutions of an art scene: hegemonic tendencies in Hungarian cultural politics since 2010 / Barnabás Bencsik -- How much fascism? / What, How & for Whom/WHW -- Tensta Museum: reports from new Swededn / Maria Lind and Tensta konsthall -- Protocol 1: rehearsals: eight acts on the politics of listening / Petra Bauer and Sofia Wiberg -- Testis Unis, Testis Nullis / Lawrence Abu Hamdan -- Self-presentations.

"From 2012 to 2014 a series of contemporary art exhibitions, events, and participatory forums organized by Galerija Nova, Tensta konsthall, and Grazer Kunstverein comprised the project "Beginning as Well as We Can (How Do We Talk about Fascism?)." Focusing on the startling increase of nationalism across Europe--made palpable in manifestations of fascist tendencies and the cult of heritage--the project points to the possibility and power of art to imagine futures that are not irrevocably determined by the present, but are invested with struggles fought here and now. Art and the F Word: Reflections on the Browning of Europe, edited by curator Maria Lind and the collective What, How & for Whom/WHW, continues the debate with contributions by cultural critics, curators, and artists, which articulate resistant and constructive possibilities of social and artistic production--investigating the language of politics and philosophy and also popular vocabularies, social contexts, media, science, and aesthetics. The exhibitions featured here, which form an essential part of the overall project, test the potential of aesthetic experience to question reality and upset the ideological complacency and political resignation that lead to a loss of control over the direction of social transformation."--Publisher's website




Art, European 21st century Exhibitions.
Fascism in art Exhibitions.
Politics in art Exhibitions.
Nationalism in art Exhibitions.
Art, European 21st century.
Fascism in art.
Politics in art.
Nationalism in art.
Art européen 21e siècle Expositions.
Fascisme dans l'art Expositions.
Politique dans l'art Expositions.
Nationalisme dans l'art Expositions.
Art européen 21e siècle.
Fascisme dans l'art.
Politique dans l'art.
Nationalisme dans l'art.
Art, European.


Exhibition catalogs.

Vedettes secondaires:

Lind, Maria, 1966- editor.
Abu Hamdan, Lawrence, 1985- author.
Bauer, Petra, 1970- author.
Wiberg, Sofia, author.
Wiberg, Sofia author.
What, How and For Whom (Organization), editor, sponsoring body.
Tensta konsthall, sponsoring body.
Grazer Kunstverein, sponsoring body.
What, How and For Whom (Organization) sponsoring body.
Tensta konsthall sponsoring body.
Grazer Kunstverein sponsoring body.
Beginning as Well as We Can (How Do We Talk about Fascism?

Reflections on the browning of Europe


Localisation: Bibliothèque main 291210
Cote: BIB 234686
Statut: Disponible


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