The baroque in architectural culture, 1880-1980 / edited by Andrew Leach, Griffith University, Australia ; John Macarthur, University of Queensland, Australia ; Maarten Delbeke, Ghent University, Belgium.
Titre et auteur:

The baroque in architectural culture, 1880-1980 / edited by Andrew Leach, Griffith University, Australia ; John Macarthur, University of Queensland, Australia ; Maarten Delbeke, Ghent University, Belgium.


Farnham, Surrey, England ; Burlington, VT : Ashgate, [2015]


x, 279 pages : illustrations ; 26 cm

Includes bibliographical references (pages 239-268) and index.
Defining a problem : modern architecture and the Baroque / Maarten Delbeke, Andrew Leach and John Macarthur -- Engaging the past : Albert Ilg's Die Zukunft des Barockstils / Francesca Torello -- Großstadt as Barockstadt : art history, advertising and the surface of the neo-Baroque / Albert Narath -- The "restless allure" of (architectural) form : space and perception between Germany, Russia and the Soviet Union / Luka Skansi -- Geoffrey Scott, the Baroque, and the picturesque / John Macarthur -- Against formalism : aspects of the historiography of the Baroque in Weimar Germany, 1918-33 / Ute Engel -- Riegl and Wölfflin in dialogue on the Baroque / Evonne Levy -- Beyond the Vienna school : Sedlmayr and Borromini / Marco Pogacnik -- Pevsner's Kunstgeographie : from Liepzig's Baroque to the Englishness of modern English architecture / Mathew Atitchison -- The future of the Baroque, c. 1945 / Andrew Leach -- Giedion as guide : Space, time and architecture and the modernist reception of Baroque Rome / Denise R. Costanzo -- Reading Aalto through the Baroque : constituent facts, dynamic pluralities, and formal latencies / Eeva-Liisa Pelkonen -- Taking the sting out of the Baroque : Wittkower, 1958 / Andrew Hopkins -- Pierre Charpentrat and Baroque functionalism / Maarten Delbeke -- From spatial feeling to fuctionalist design : contrasting representations of the Baroque in Steen Eiler Rasmussen's Experiencing architecture / Anthony Raynsford -- From Michelangelo to Borromini : Bruno Zevi and operative criticism / Roberto Dulio -- Between history and design : the Baroque legacy in the work of Paolo Portoghesi / Silvia Micheli -- Steinberg's complexity / Michael Hill -- The "recurrence" of the Baroque in architecture : Giedion and Norberg-Schulz's approaches to constancy and change / Gro Lauvland -- The future of the Baroque, c. 1980 / Maarten Delbeke and Andrew Leach.

9781472459916 (hardback ; alkaline paper)
1472459911 (hardback ; alkaline paper)


Architecture, Modern 20th century Historiography.
Architecture, Baroque Historiography.
Art, Baroque Historiography.
Architecture 20e siècle Historiographie.
Architecture baroque Historiographie.
Art baroque Historiographie.
Architecture, Modern Historiography.
Das Barocke

Vedettes secondaires:

Leach, Andrew, 1976- editor.
Macarthur, John, 1958- editor.
Delbeke, Maarten, editor.


Localisation: Bibliothèque main 290601
Cote: BIB 233705
Statut: Disponible


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