Camera atomica / edited by John O'Brian.
Titre et auteur:

Camera atomica / edited by John O'Brian.


Toronto, Ontario : Art Gallery of Ontario ; London, UK : Black Dog Publishing, [2015]


304 pages : illustrations (some color), portraits ; 25 cm

"Published in conjunction with the exhibition Camera Atomica, Art Gallery of Ontario, 8 July 2014-25 January 2016"--Colophon.
Includes bibliographical references.
Foreword / Matthew Teitelbaum -- Acknowledgements / John O'Brian -- Introduction: Through a radioactive lens / John O'Brian -- Test and protest -- Nuclear flowers of hell / John O'Brian -- Posing by the cloud : US nuclear test site photography in process / Julia Bryan-Wilson -- Hiroshima and Nagasaki -- Hidden and forgotten Hibakusha : nuclear legacy / Hiromitsu Toyosaki -- Atomic photographs below the surface / Blake Fitzpatrick -- Uranium and radiation -- Through the lens, darkly / Iain Boal and Gene Ray -- Visible and invisible -- The wrong sun / Douglas Coupland -- Radical contact prints / Susan Schuppli.

Photographs have a crucial place in the representation of the atomic age and its anxieties. This book examines narratives beyond the technological sublime that dominates much nuclear photography, suppressing representations of the human form in favor of representations of B-52 bombers and mushroom clouds. The book proposes that the body is the site where the social environment interacts with the so-called atomic road: uranium mining and processing, radiation research, nuclear reactor construction and operation, and weapons testing. Co-published with the Art Gallery of Ontario to accompany a major exhibition there in 2014. Cameras have both recorded and - in certain instances - provided motivation for the production of nuclear events. Their histories and technological development are intimately intertwined: at McGill University in the early 1900s, for example, Ernest Rutherford employed photography to identify the properties of radioactive materials, winning a Nobel Prize for his research, and at Los Alamos in the mid-1940s, Julian E. Mack and Berlyn Brixner designed specialized cameras for measuring the blast yield of nuclear weapons.


9781908966483 (paperback)
1908966483 (paperback)


Photography, Artistic Exhibitions.
Nuclear explosions in art Exhibitions.
Nuclear explosions Japan Nagasaki-shi Pictorial works Exhibitions.
Nuclear explosions Japan Hiroshima-shi Pictorial works Exhibitions.
Nuclear explosions United States Testing Pictorial works Exhibitions.
Photography Social aspects Exhibitions.
Nuclear weapons Testing Exhibitions.
Nuclear weapons Testing Pictorial works.
Atomic bomb Exhibitions.
Atomic bomb Pictorial works.
Nuclear power plants Exhibitions.
Nuclear power plants Pictorial works.
Fallout shelters Exhibitions.
Fallout shelters Pictorial works.
Nuclear explosions Pictorial works Exhibitions.
Explosions nucléaires Ouvrages illustrés Expositions.
Explosions nucléaires Japon Nagasaki Ouvrages illustrés Expositions.
Explosions nucléaires Japon Hiroshima Ouvrages illustrés Expositions.
Explosions nucléaires États-Unis Essais Ouvrages illustrés Expositions.
Photographie Aspect social Expositions.
Photographie artistique Expositions.
Armes nucléaires Essais Expositions.
Armes nucléaires Essais Ouvrages illustrés.
Bombe atomique Expositions.
Bombe atomique Ouvrages illustrés.
Centrales nucléaires Expositions.
Centrales nucléaires Ouvrages illustrés.
Abris antiretombées Expositions.
Abris antiretombées Ouvrages illustrés.
Explosions nucléaires dans l'art Expositions.
Atomic bomb
Fallout shelters
Nuclear explosions
Nuclear explosions in art
Nuclear explosions Testing
Nuclear power plants
Nuclear weapons Testing
Photography, Artistic
Photography Social aspects
Japan Hiroshima-shi
Japan Nagasaki-shi
United States


Exhibition publications.
exhibition catalogs.
Exhibition catalogs
Exhibition, pictorial works
Illustrated works
Catalogues d'exposition.

Vedettes secondaires:

O'Brian, John, 1944- editor, writer of supplementary textual content.
Art Gallery of Ontario, host institution, issuing body.


Localisation: Bibliothèque main 292550
Cote: BIB 236889
Statut: Disponible


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