Interactive books : playful media before pop-ups / Jacqueline Reid-Walsh.
Entrée principale:

Reid-Walsh, Jacqueline, 1951- author.

Titre et auteur:

Interactive books : playful media before pop-ups / Jacqueline Reid-Walsh.


London : Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group, 2018.


xxii, 253 pages : illustrations ; 24 cm.


Children's literature and culture

Includes bibliographical references (pages 229-243) and index.
PART I: Historical and Cultural Contexts and Theoretical Issues; 1 Texts and Contexts for Movable Books; 2 17th- to 19th-Century Children's Domestic Practices: "Activities" and "Rational Recreations" as Historical "DIY Culture"; PART II: 17th- to 19th-Century "Turn-Up" Books: Religion, Morality, and Entertainment on Interactive Paper Platforms; 3 Movable Religious Lessons and Subversion by Design; 4 Allegorical Metamorphoses and Antic Transformations5058 5 Child-Made Religious "Turn-Up" Books: Child Interactors as DIY Producers; PART III: Enacting Domesticated and Fantastical Adventures: 19th-Century Movables Before the "Stand-Up" Book; 6 Fuller "Paper-Doll" Books: Playing Across Gender and Genre; 7 English Toy Theaters: Staging Miniature Melodramatic Spectacles; 8 Elaborate Movable Books in Two and Three Dimensions: Activity and Agency Enhanced and Restricted; 9 Conclusion-Contemporary "Pop-Up" Books: Activity and Agency Reformulated; Bibliography; Index.
Library copy: gift from Glenn Brown's Estate.

"Movable books are an innovative area of children's publishing. Commonly equated with spectacular pop-ups, movable books have a little-known history as interactive, narrative media. Since they are hybrid artifacts consisting of words, images and movable components, they cross the borders between story, toy, and game. Interactive Books is a historical and comparative study of early movable books in relation to the children who engage with them. Jacqueline Reid-Walsh focuses on the period movable books became connected with children from the mid-17th to the early-19th centuries. In particular, she examines turn-up books, paper doll books, and related hybrid experiments like toy theaters and paignion (or domestic play set) produced between 1650 and 1830. Despite being popular in their own time, these artifacts are little known today. This study draws attention to a gap in our knowledge of children's print culture by showing how these artifacts are important in their own right. Reid-Walsh combines archival research with children's literature studies, book history, and juvenilia studies. By examining commercially produced and homemade examples, she explores the interrelations among children, interactive media, and historical participatory culture. By drawing on both Enlightenment thinkers and contemporary digital media theorists Interactive Books enables us to think critically about children's media texts paper and digital, past and present."--Provided by publisher.


0415858453 (hardback)
9780415858458 (hardback)


Toy and movable books History.
Children's literature History and criticism.
Book design History.
Livres Conception graphique Histoire.
Book design.
Children's literature.
Toy and movable books.


Criticism, interpretation, etc.

Vedettes secondaires:

Brown, Glenn, 1952-2023, former owner.
Children's literature and culture.


Localisation: Bibliothèque main 318772
Cote: 318772
Exemplaire: 1
Statut: Disponible


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