What is cosmopolitical design? : design, nature and the built environment / edited by Albena Yaneva and Alejandro Zaera-Polo.
Titre et auteur:

What is cosmopolitical design? : design, nature and the built environment / edited by Albena Yaneva and Alejandro Zaera-Polo.


Farnham, Surrey ; Burlington, VT : Ashgate, [2015]


xix, 241 pages : illustrations (some color), maps ; 25 cm

Includes bibliographical references and index.
Introduction : What is cosmopolitical design? / Albena Yaneva -- Waiting for Gaia : composing the common world through art and politics / Bruno Latour -- Nonlinear causality and far from equilibrium dynamics / Manuel DeLanda -- Cosmopolitics: 'to become within.' From cosmos to urban life / Dominique Boullier -- An interview with Andrés Jaque, Office for Political Innovation -- Low resolution for a high (tech) cosmogram : how to handle the Large Hadron Collider / Sophie Houdart -- An interview with Cristina Díaz Moreno and Efrén García Grinda, amid.cero9 -- River landscaping in third modernity : remaking cosmopolitics in the Anthropocene / Cordula Kropp -- An interview with David Benjamin, The Living -- Unfolding the political capacities of design / Fernando Domínguez Rubio and Uriel Fogué -- An interview with Eva Castro, Plasma Studio and Groundlab -- Façades : material assemblages and literal embodiments / Alejandro Zaera-Polo -- An interview with Philippe Rahm, Philippe Rahm architectes -- Why cosmopolitical design is performed? / Ariane Lourie Harrison and Seth Harrison.

The scale of ecological crises made us realize that every kind of politics has always been cosmopolitics, politics of a cosmos. Cosmos embraces everything, including the multifarious natural and material entities that make humans act. The book examines cosmopolitics in its relation to design practice. Abandoning the modernist idea of nature as being external to the human experience - a nature that can be mastered by engineers and scientists from outside, the cosmpolitical thinking offers designers to embark in an active process of manipulating and reworking nature from within. To engage in cosmopolitics, this book argues, means to redesign, create, instigate, and compose every single feature of our common experience. In the light of this new understanding of nature, we set the questions: What is the role of design if nature is no longer salient enough to provide a background for human activities? How can we foster designers own force and make present what causes designers to think, feel, and act? How do designers make explicit the connection of humans to a variety of entities with different ontology: rivers, species, particles, materials and forces? How do they redefine political order by bringing together stars, prions and people? In effect, how should we understand design practice in its relation to the material and the living world? In this volume, anthropologists, science studies scholars, political scientists and sociologists rethink together the meaning of cosmopolitics for design. At the same time designers, architects and artists engage with the cosmopolitical question in trying to imagine the future of architectural and urban design. -- Amazon.com.


9781472452252 (hardback alkaline paper)
1472452259 (hardback alkaline paper)


Architecture Human factors.
Human ecology.
Architecture Facteurs humains.
Écologie humaine.
human ecology.
Architecture Architecture Facteurs humains.

Vedettes secondaires:

Yaneva, Albena, editor.
Zaera, Alejandro, editor.


Localisation: Bibliothèque main 292903
Cote: BIB 237478
Statut: Disponible


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