Laxer, Gordon, 1944- author.
After the sands : energy and ecological security for Canadians / Gordon Laxer.
Madeira Park, BC : Douglas & McIntyre, [2015]
vii, 278 pages : illustrations, maps ; 23 cm
A bold plan to address climate change and provide energy security for Canadians. Despite its oil abundance, with no strategic reserves, Canada is woefully unprepared for the next global oil supply crisis. Political economist Gordon Laxer proposes a bold strategy of deep conservation and a Canada-first perspective to ensure that all Canadians have sufficient energy at affordable prices. Canada has all the oil, gas, and coal needed to transition to a low-carbon future. Remarkable hydro power resources give Canadians a large base of renewable energy, which can be expanded with wind, solar, geothermal, and biomass. Few countries have these options in adequate quantities. But, as Laxer argues, Canada will not get there until we overcome the power of vested interests and untangle the trade agreements that block Canadians from secure and fair access to the nation's own energy resources.
9781771621007 (paper)
1771621001 (paper)
Energy security Canada.
Carbon dioxide mitigation Canada Forecasting.
Power resources Canada Forecasting.
Sustainable development Canada.
Sécurité énergétique Canada.
Gaz carbonique Réduction Canada Prévision.
Ressources énergétiques Canada Prévision.
Développement durable Canada.
Energy security.
Power resources Forecasting.
Sustainable development.
Localisation: Bibliothèque main 308331
Cote: BIB 253752
Statut: Disponible
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