American Institute of Architects, author.
Architectural graphic standards / authored by the American Institute of Architects ; Dennis J. Hall, FAIA, FCSI, editor-in-chief ; The Magnum Group, illustrator.
Twelfth edition.
Hoboken, New Jersey : John Wiley & Sons Inc., [2016]
xix, 1062 pages : illustrations, maps, plans ; 30 cm
Ramsey/Sleeper architectural graphic standards
A reference for building design and construction professionals. The twelfth edition features: up-to-date codes and standards, with over 300 new drawings, tables, and diagrams; new coverage of building resiliency, emphasizing the building envelope; material properties and performance analyses, with expanded materials selection; environmental factors including climate, thermal comfort, daylighting, and acoustics; sustainability and Universal Design principles integrated throughout the text.
9781118909508 (hardcover)
111890950X (hardcover)
Building Details Drawings Standards.
Architectural drawing Standards.
Standards, Engineering.
Normes techniques.
Hall, Dennis J., 1954- editor.
Magnum Group, illustrator.
Localisation: Bibliothèque study room 294248
Cote: TH2031.A84 2016
Statut: Disponible
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