30/30 : landscape architecture / Meaghan Kombol.
Entrée principale:

Kombol, Meaghan, author.

Titre et auteur:

30/30 : landscape architecture / Meaghan Kombol.


First edition.


London ; New York : Phaidon Press Ltd., 2015.


320 pages : chiefly color illustrations, plans ; 30 cm

Includes index.
Stig L. Andersson, SLA ; Luis Callejas, LCLA Office -- Thorgbjörn Andersson, Sweco Architects ; Mattias Gustafsson, URBIO -- Enric Batlle, Batlle i Roig Arquitectes ; Martí Franch, EMF landscape architects ; Andrea Cochran, Andrea Cochran Landscape Architecture ; James A. Lord, Surfacedesign -- Sacha Coles, ASPECT Studios ; Henry Crothers, LandLAB -- Claude Cormier, Claude Cormier et Associés ; Marc Ryan, Public Work -- James Corner, James Corner Field Operations ; Christopher Marcinkoski, PORT -- Herbert Dreiseitl, Rambøll/Atelier Dreiseitl ; Walter Hood, Hood Design Studio -- Andrew Grant, Grant Associates ; Anouk Vogel, Anouk Vogel landscape architecture -- Juan Grimm, Studio Juan Grimm ; Karin Oetjen, KO Paisajismo -- George Hargreaves, Hargreaves Associates ; Chris Reed, Stoss Landscape Urbanism -- Mikyoung Kim, Mikyoung Kim Design ; Karen M'Closkey, PEG office of landscape + architecture -- Martin Knuijt, OKRA ; Ronald Rietveld, RAAAF [Rietveld Architecture-Art Affordances] -- Tilman Latz, Latz + Partner ; Diana Wiesner, Diana Wiesner Arquitectura y Paisaje -- Perry Lathlean, Taylor Cullity Lethlean ; Christopher Sawyer, Site Office -- Xiaowei Ma, AGER Group ; Xiao Ying Xie, View Unlimited Landscape Architecture Studio CUCD -- Adrian McGregor, McGregor Coxall ; Francisco Allard, Urbanica -- Teresa Moller, Study of the Landscape, Teresa Moller and Associates ; Chloe Humphreys, The Landscape Studio -- Catherine Mosbach, mosbach paysagistes ; David Besson-Girard, David Besson-Girard paysagiste -- Laurie Olin, OLIN ; Toru Mitani, studio on site -- Jacqueline Osty, Atelier, Jacqueline Osty & Associés ; Bertrand Vignal, BASE -- Myungkweon Park, GroupHAN ; Yi Kyu Choe, Unknown Practice -- Martin Rein-Cano, TOPOTEK 1 ; Kate Orff, SCAPE -- Yoji Sasaki, Ohtori Consultants, Environmental Design Institute ; Eiki Danzuka, EARTHSCAPE -- Mario Schjetnan, Grupo de Diseño Urbano ; Pedro Camarena Berruecos, LAAP -- Rainer Schmidt, RSLA -- Christian Henke, el:ch landschaftsarchitekten ; Martha Schwartz, Martha Schawartz Partners ; Claudia Harari, HLA, Harari Landscape Architecture ; Günther Vogt, VOGT Landscape ; Rémy Turquin, Bassinet Turquin Paysage -- Peter Walker, PWP Landscape Architecture ; Tom Leader, Tom Leader Studio -- Kongjian Yu, Turenscape ; Yufan Zhu, Zhuyufan Y³C Studio, School of Architecture, THU.

30 internationally renowned landscape architects showcase their own work as well as that of 30 of the best of a new generation of forward looking and innovative designers. This up-to-date overview of contemporary landscape architecture offers students, practitioners and enthusiasts an inspiring and insightful look at global landscape architecture today. Features some of the best-known and most established landscape architects in the world as well as the best and brightest of the next generation of designers. A truly global list of landscape architects from 20 countries working in Chile, Mexico, USA, Canada, UK, China, South Korea, Japan, Australia, Sweden, Spain, France, Germany, and the Netherlands. -- Source other than Library of Congress.


9780714869636 (hardcover)
0714869635 (hardcover)


Park, Sung Kyu
Landscape architecture.
Architecture du paysage.


collective biographies.

Vedettes secondaires:

Thirty : thirty landscape architecture
Landscape Architecture


Localisation: Bibliothèque main 290841
Cote: BIB 234050
Statut: Disponible


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