Architektur im Kulturkampf = Architecture in cultural strife / [concept of the exhibition: Wladimir Sedow, Sergei Tchoban].
Entrée principale:

Tchoban Foundation.

Titre et auteur:

Architektur im Kulturkampf = Architecture in cultural strife / [concept of the exhibition: Wladimir Sedow, Sergei Tchoban].


Berlin : Tchoban Foundation, ©2013.


247 pages : color illustrations ; 24 cm

Catalog of the exhibition Architecture in Cultural Strife, Russian and Soviet Architecture in Drawings, 1900-1953, held September 21, 2013-February 14, 2015 at the Tchoban Foundation, Museum für Architekturzeichnung, Berlin.
Includes bibliographical references (pages 245-247).
In German and English.

"The history of Russian architecture in the first half of the twentieth century is riddled with contradictions. This is already evident in its origins. Whilst avant-garde Constructivism, radically daring even today, was mainly rooted in Moscow, the defenders of Neoclassicism were bound to the traditional architecture of St. Petersburg. Yet both currents strove to represent the architecture of the Revolution. As the two schools crossed paths in the 1920s, a widening rift revealed not only artistic but ideological differences. Neoclassicism was adopted by the Bolsheviks to embody their cultural agenda and was established during the following decades as the leading national style of the Soviet Union. The modernist current, in contrast, was drastically marginalised or at best, combined in a kind of synthesis comparable to western Art Déco. The exhibition comprising the extensive Sergei Tchoban Collection of architectural drawings, throws light on the ideological and artistic conflict between the two main architectural styles from the turn of the century to Stalin's death in 1953. Selected examples offer a view on the fraught arena between tradition and progress, art and technology, history and contemporary visions and not least on the cultural competition between the two Russian cities, Leningrad/St. Petersburg and Moscow."--Page 4 of cover.




Tchoban Foundation Art collections Exhibitions.
Tchoban Foundation
Tchoban Foundation Exhibitions.
Architecture Soviet Union History Exhibitions.
Architectural drawing Russia (Federation) 20th century Exhibitions.
Architectural drawing Soviet Union 20th century Exhibitions.
Constructivism (Architecture) Soviet Union Exhibitions.
Neoclassicism (Architecture) Soviet Union Exhibitions.
Architecture URSS Histoire Expositions.
Dessin d'architecture Russie 20e siècle Expositions.
Dessin d'architecture URSS 20e siècle Expositions.
Constructivisme (Architecture) URSS Expositions.
Néoclassicisme (Architecture) URSS Expositions.
Architectural drawing
Art museums
Constructivism (Architecture)
Neoclassicism (Architecture)
Architecture Soviet Union Exhibitions
Architectural drawing Russia (Federation) History 20th century Exhibitions.
Architectural drawing Soviet Union Exhibitions
Russia (Federation)
Soviet Union


exhibition catalogs.
Exhibition catalogs
Catalogues d'exposition.

Vedettes secondaires:

Sedov, Vl. V. (Vladimir Valentinovich), author.
Choban, Sergeĭ, 1962-
Sedov, Vl. V. (Vladimir Valentinovich) author.
Sedova, Irina author
Tchoban Foundation, host institution.
Tchoban Foundation host institution.

Architecture in cultural strife


Localisation: Bibliothèque main 307398
Cote: BIB 252887
Statut: Disponible


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