Pérez Gómez, Alberto, 1949- author.
Attunement : architectural meaning after the crisis of modern science / Alberto Pérez Gómez.
Cambridge, Massachusetts : The MIT Press, [2016]
xii, 287 pages ; 23 cm
"Architecture remains in crisis, its social relevance lost between the two poles of formal innovation and technical sustainability. In Attunement, Alberto Pérez-Gómez calls for an architecture that can enhance our human values and capacities, an architecture that is connected--attuned--to its location and its inhabitants. Architecture, Pérez-Gómez tells us, operates as a communicative setting for societies; its beauty and its meaning lie in its connection to human health and self-understanding. Our physical places are of utmost importance for our well-being. Drawing on recent work in embodied cognition, Pérez-Gómez argues that the environment, including the built environment, matters not only as a material ecology but because it is nothing less than a constituent part of our consciousness. To be fully self-aware, we need an external environment replete with meanings and emotions. Pérez-Gómez views architecture through the lens of mood and atmosphere, linking these ideas to the key German concept of Stimmung--attunement--and its roots in Pythagorean harmony and Vitru-architecture--the voices of architecture and the voice of the architect; architecture as a multisensory (not pictorial) experience, with Piranesi, Ledoux, and Hejduk as examples of metaphorical modeling; and how Stimmung might be put to work today to realize the contemporary possiblities of attunement"--Back cover.
9780262528641 (pbk. ; alk. paper)
0262528649 (pbk. ; alk. paper)
Architecture Philosophy.
Architecture Psychological aspects.
Architecture Aspect psychologique.
21.60 architecture: general.
20.06 philosophy of art.
Localisation: Bibliothèque main 292187
Cote: BIB 236281
Statut: Disponible
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