Mass / Hiroshi Takizawa.
Entrée principale:

Takizawa, Hiroshi, 1983- photographer.

Titre et auteur:

Mass / Hiroshi Takizawa.


First edition of 300.


[Tokyo] : Newfave, [2015]


1 portfolio (76 unnumbered pages) : color illustrations ; 35 cm


"Hiroshi Takizawa's 'Mass' is composed of recent photographs that concentrate on new interpretations of materials such as concrete and stone: the materials used to raise buildings. In his photographs Takizawa uses them to create new motifs. According to his own fetishism he warps, cuts and overlaps the images he recorded, transformed through the process of reproduction. He transforms the mass of the materials that are his subject by planarizing them, setting in motion the knowledge and memories of the viewer to help make sense visually of what is on the page in front of them. The stone that makes up the robust buildings that are the subject of his works has a natural origin. It is a natural resource that was artificially cut into artifacts and replicated, gaining a new quality as a building material. Takizawa feels a similarity between the process that changes the form of resources and how photos or life itself go through transformations. His approach to his work is centered on the different aspects of this process of change. 'Mass' focuses on both this process of transformation of these raw materials as well as the process of making a tangible book. The photos featured in the book are of many sizes placed on two differently textured types of paper. The pages are separately cut and the size of each page differs from the next, a special kind of bookbinding being applied. As a result, every page of 'Mass' literally has a different mass, visually replicating opening up a new space every time a page is turned"--Publisher's website.


Takizawa, Hiroshi, 1983-
Photography of rocks.
Architectural photography.
Photography, Artistic.
Photographie de roches.
Photographie d'architecture.
Photographie artistique.
art photography.


artists' books (books)
Artists' books
Livres d'artistes.
Livres de photographies.

Vedettes secondaires:

Newfave Books (Tokyo, Japan), publisher.
Japan Tokyo.


Localisation: Bibliothèque main 315261
Cote: 315261
Exemplaire: 1
Statut: Disponible


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