Through vegetal being : two philosophical perspectives / Luce Irigaray and Michael Marder.
Entrée principale:

Irigaray, Luce, author.

Titre et auteur:

Through vegetal being : two philosophical perspectives / Luce Irigaray and Michael Marder.


New York : Columbia University Press, [2016]


xi, 231 pages ; 22 cm.


Critical life studies

Includes bibliographical references and index.
Machine generated contents note: LUCE IRIGARAY -- Prologue -- 1. Seeking Refuge in the Vegetal World -- 2. A Culture Forgetful of Life -- 3. Sharing Universal Breathing -- 4. The Generative Potential of the Elements -- 5. Living at the Rhythm of the Seasons -- 6. A Recovery of the Amazing Diversity of Natural Presence -- 7. Cultivating Our Sensory Perceptions -- 8. Feeling Nostalgia for a Human Companion -- 9. Risking to Go Back Among Humans -- 10. Losing Oneself and Asking Nature for Help Again -- 11. Encountering Another Human in the Woods -- 12. Wondering How to Cultivate Our Living Energy -- 13. Could Gestures and Words Substitute for the Elements? -- 14. From Being Alone in Nature to Being Two in Love -- 15. Becoming Humans -- 16. Cultivating and Sharing Life Between All -- Epilogue -- Notes -- MICHAEL MARDER -- Prologue -- 1. Seeking Refuge in the Vegetal World -- 2. A Culture Forgetful of Life -- 3. Sharing Universal Breathing -- 4. The Generative Potential of the Elements -- 5. Living at the Rhythm of the Seasons -- 6. A Recovery of the Amazing Diversity of Natural Presence -- 7. Cultivating Our Sensory Perceptions -- 8. Feeling Nostalgia for a Human Companion -- 9. Risking to Go Back Among Humans -- 10. Losing Oneself and Asking Nature for Help Again -- 11. Encountering Another Human in the Woods -- 12. Wondering How to Cultivate Our Living Energy -- 13. Could Gestures and Words Substitute for the Elements? -- 14. From Being Alone in Nature to Being Two in Love -- 15. Becoming Humans -- 16. Cultivating and Sharing Life Between All -- Epilogue -- Notes.

Through Vegetal Being is an intense personal philosophical, and political meditation on the significance of the vegetal for our lives, our ways of thinking, and our relations with human and nonhuman beings. Irigaray and Marder consider how the vegetal world contributes to humum development by sustaining our breathing, nourishing our senses, and keeping our bodies alive. Their generative discussion points to wart a more universal way of becoming human that is embedded in the vegetal world.


9780231173865 (cloth ; alk. paper)
0231173865 (cloth ; alk. paper)
9780231173872 (pbk. ; alk. paper)
0231173873 (pbk. ; alk. paper)


Irigaray, Luce, author.
Marder, Michael, 1980-
Irigaray, Luce
Plants (Philosophy)
Philosophy of nature.
Plantes (Philosophie)
Philosophie de la nature.

Vedettes secondaires:

Marder, Michael, 1980-
Critical life studies.


Localisation: Bibliothèque main 297098
Cote: BIB 243406
Statut: Disponible


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