What moves us? : Le Corbusier and Asger Jorn in art and architecture / edited by Ruth Baumeister.
Titre et auteur:

What moves us? : Le Corbusier and Asger Jorn in art and architecture / edited by Ruth Baumeister.


Zürich : Verlag Scheidegger & Spiess, [2015]


210 pages : illustrations (some color), plans, portraits ; 29 cm

Catalog of an exhibition.
Includes bibliographical references.
Brutalism’s Ghosts—Le Corbusier, Art, and War / Stanislaus von Moos -- Touch My Axis—Vers une architecture before, L’espace indicible after/ Daniel Naegele -- Unité d’habitation in Marseille—Experimental Artistic Device / Anna Rosselini -- From Earth to Sky, From Darkness to Light—Le Corbusier and the Promenade architecture / Juan Calatrava -- Photo Essay: Le Corbusier [lllll] Asger Jorn [Relief] / Heinz Emigholz -- Le Corbusier and Asger Jorn -- Polar Attractions—Color, Painting, Architecture / Joan Ockman -- Dionysus in Democracy—Jorn Contra Le Corbuser / Nicola Pezolet -- The Architecture, The Artist, Two Tents and a Whole lot of Murals / Karen Friis -- From Imaginary Exhibitions to Urban Book Spaces—Asger Jorn and Le Corbusier as Architects of the Book / Klaus Müller-Wille -- Photo Essay: Au Revoir / Claus Peder Pedersen -- Le Corbusier—Recognized and Criticized in Denmark / Leif Leer Sørensen -- Parallel Tracks / Poul Bæk Pederson -- Brutalism in Aarhus and Le Corbusier / Kjeld Vindum -- Exhibition: Selected Works -- Everclean—A Highly Rational Person / Asger Jorn and Robert Dahlman Olsen -- Homes for People or Concrete Castles in the Air / Asger Jorn -- Destinations of Le Corbusier’s and Asger Jorn’s Travels / Rikke Hougaard Szalay.

Le Corbusier (1887-1965) is one the most influential architects of the 20th century. In the Scandinavian countries, his influence is arguably most pronounced in the writings and art of the Danish experimentalist Asger Jorn (1914-1973). Their collaboration on Le Corbusier's pavilion for the 1937 Paris World Exhibition sparked Jorn's lifelong fascination with the great architect and with architecture more broadly as an inherently public form of art. At the same time, Le Corbusier began revealing his work in visual art and started to move from a rational, technological approach to architecture, towards a more poetic, materialist one. Published in collaboration with the Museum Jorn, Silkeborg, this book focuses specifically on the reception of Le Corbusier in Scandinavia, with the relationship between Jorn and Le Corbusier as a thematic thread. The book first highlights the architect's change of direction and subsequently takes readers through his influence on the young artist. The book's distinguished contributors explore the relationships that emerged among their artistic theories and practices, including Jorn's later critique of Le Corbusier. Essays also explore the wider influence of Le Corbusier on Scandinavian architecture and urbanisation and consider Le Corbusier alongside the Danish architect Jorn Oberg Utzon and the Aarhus Brutalism movement. Exhibition: Museum Jorn, Silkeborg, Denmark (12.09.15 - 13.12.2015).


9783858817730 (paperback)
3858817732 (paperback)


Le Corbusier, 1887-1965 Exhibitions.
Jorn, Asger, 1914-1973 Exhibitions.
Le Corbusier,
Jorn, Asger,
Jorn, Asger, 1914-1973.
Le Corbusier, 1887-1965.
Art and architecture Exhibitions.
Architecture Scandinavia Exhibitions.
Art et architecture Expositions.
Architecture Scandinavie Expositions.
Architecture Scandinavia.
Art and architecture.


Exhibition catalogs

Vedettes secondaires:

Baumeister, Ruth, editor.
Le Corbusier, 1887-1965.
Jorn, Asger, 1914-1973.


Localisation: Bibliothèque main 292386
Cote: BIB 236667
Statut: Disponible


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