The power of line : Linea III / edited by Marzia Faietti and Gerhard Wolf.
Titre et auteur:

The power of line : Linea III / edited by Marzia Faietti and Gerhard Wolf.


Munich : Hirmer, [2015]


239 pages : illustrations (chiefly color) ; 25 cm

"A publication of the Gallerie degli Uffizi, Gabinetto Disegni e Stampe, Florence, and the Kunsthistorisches Institut in Florenz - Max-Planck-Institut, Florence"--Colophon.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
The power of line: Preface / Marzia Faietti and Gerhard Wolf -- Graphism and flatness: The line as mediator between time and space, intuition and concept / Sybille Krämer -- Nature and line -- The line and its double nature in early modern graphic arts / Robert Felfe -- Ruskin and the reality of the line / Jan von Brevern -- Theories, learning, and didactic experiences -- Discipline as emotion: Drawing courses and ideology in early twentieth-century Germany and Austria / Nicola Suthor -- Grapheme, pictogram, image, and back: Walter Crane, a return to picture-writing / Francesca Tancini -- Line: Space and trace -- Transitioning lines: Peter Eisenman's House Ill between drawing and building / Martin Søberg -- The sacred footprint, examined from comparative perspectives / Akira Akiyama -- Calligraphy, painting, and dance in China and Japan -- The Chinese literati's view of calligraphy and painting (shuhua): A reconsideration of the concept of art in China and Japan / Shigetoshi Osano -- The line between calligraphy and painting: A view from Post-War Japan / Eugenia Bogdanova-Kummer -- Curving lines and morphing marks: On the problems of comparing Chinese ink-brush writing with dancing / Alexander Schwan -- Transforming Arabic letters and Islamic lines -- From letter to line: Artistic experiments with pseudo-script in late Medieval Italian painting, preliminary remarks / Vera-Simone Schulz -- From Matisse to Morellet: What French artists owe to the Islamic line / Thierry Dufrêne -- The aesthetics of the written word in Tunisian art: Calligraphic line, mystical sign, and automatic writing (1960-2014) / Alia Nakhli -- Eloquent signs and doodles -- The primacy of the line over the word in Leonardo, Mantegna, and Parmigianino / Marzia Faietti -- The power of lines: Tracing and threads / Gerhard Wold.

"There are no lines in nature; lines are always the expression of human actions, perception and design. Lines divide or connect; they are sometimes static and sometimes gestural and full of movement; they represent and create forms in space and time. The essays in this volume elucidate the semantic and conceptual depth of the line in European, Asian and Islamic cultures and reveal the continuity and transformation of the line over the course of centuries as a constitutive element in architecture, art and writing and as a medium of expression in choreography and scientific and technological fields"--Publisher's website.


9783777424989 (hardback)
3777424986 (hardback)


Line (Art)
Drawing Technique.
Art History.
Art Philosophy History.
Ligne (Art)
Dessin Technique.
Art Histoire.
art history.



Vedettes secondaires:

Faietti, Marzia, editor.
Wolf, Gerhard, 1952- editor.
Galleria degli Uffizi.
Kunsthistorisches Institut in Florenz, Max-Planck-Institut.

Linea III


Localisation: Bibliothèque main 294709
Cote: BIB 240507
Statut: Disponible


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