Infrastructural monument / MIT Center for Advanced Urbanism ; [with contributions from Stan Allen [and 20 others] ; editor, Meredith Baber].
Titre et auteur:

Infrastructural monument / MIT Center for Advanced Urbanism ; [with contributions from Stan Allen [and 20 others] ; editor, Meredith Baber].


First edition.


New York : Princeton Architectural Press, [2016]


168 pages : illustrations, maps ; 23 cm

"This book summarizes the first conference [held in Spring of 2013] organized by MIT's new Center for Advanced Urbanism"--Page 6.
Includes bibliographical references.
Machine generated contents note: 1. Transportation infrastructure as our commons -- Introduction to the Conference) / Alexander D'Hooghe -- 2. infrastructural monument -- Notes on Infrastructural Monuments / Christopher Lee -- Remarks on a New Era of Infrastructure Investment / James L. Oberstar -- Alliance, Design, and Politics of Infrastructure / Henk Ovink -- Oceanic Turn: Infrastructure for Inundation / Pierre Belanger -- 3. Taking advantage of infrastructural redundancy -- Infrastructural Urbanism / Stan Allen -- Maximizing Underused Infrastructure Connections / Don Briggs -- Redundant Infrastructure or Supply-Based Development Incentive? / Stephen Ramos -- Infrastructure as Leviathan? / Robert Levit -- 4. Marrying infrastructure design and urban development -- Battery Power: Recharging Architecture'; Causes and Effects / Roger Sherman -- Supply-Chain Architecture and the Public Trust / Alex Klatskin -- Crowdsourcing: Who Will Design Tomorrow's Infrastructure? / Jo Guldi -- Multifunctionality to Exploit Redundancy / Malcolm Smith -- 5. Confirming the intermodal station as a viable alternative -- Multimodal Infrastructure, the Contemporary Monument / Marcel Smets -- High-Speed Rail as Driver for New Multimodal Developments / Petra Todorovich Messick -- Pioneering Role of Logistics in the Development of Multimodal Platforms / Stephen Crosby -- Public Spaces for the Multimodal Fragment / Cino Zucchi -- 6. In memoriam: manuel de sola-morales, city choreographer City Choreographer / Lorena Bello Gomez.

Infrastructural monument presents the proceedings of the first of two conferences organized by MIT's new Center for Advanced Urbanism around the biennial theme of infrastructure. Held in the spring of 2013, the "Infrastructural Monument" conference gathered designers, developers, policy experts, and scholars to address the potential to leverage infrastructure design beyond the realm of transportation of goods and labor into the realm of culture, public space, architecture, and landscape form. In other words, can infrastructure transcend mere practicality and fulfill a role that is profoundly cultural? Can targeted infrastructure projects transform a city from a collection of fragments to one with a common and cohesive regional identity?


9781616894207 (paperback)
1616894202 (paperback)


Urbanization Congresses.
Infrastructure (Economics) Congresses.
Urban transportation Planning Congresses.
City planning Congresses.
Urbanisation Congrès.
Transports urbains Planification Congrès.
City planning.
Infrastructure (Economics)
Urban transportation Planning.


Conference papers and proceedings.

Vedettes secondaires:

Allen, Stan, author.
Baber, Meredith, editor.
MIT Center for Advanced Urbanism, organizer.


Localisation: Bibliothèque main 292305
Cote: BIB 236522
Statut: Disponible


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