A career of Japan : Baron Raimund von Stillfried and early Yokohama photography / by Luke Gartlan.
Entrée principale:

Gartlan, Luke, author.

Titre et auteur:

A career of Japan : Baron Raimund von Stillfried and early Yokohama photography / by Luke Gartlan.


Leiden, The Netherlands : Brill, 2016.


xi, 371 pages : illustrations (chiefly color), maps, portraits ; 26 cm


Photography in Asia ; volume 1

Includes bibliographical references and index.
From dreams to specters. On the frontiers of empire -- Maritime and artistic education -- Military service and travels -- Serving emperor Maximilian in Mexico -- The legacy of Querétaro -- Empire lost -- Changing views. First visit to Japan, 1864-65 -- Serving empire in Absentia -- Felice Beato : mentor an model? -- First portfolios -- An expatriate market -- The coming of the globetrotter -- "The Mikado photographer affair." Touring Yokosuka Arsenal -- Photographing the emperor -- Censoring the foreigner -- The imperial commissions -- Circulation and display -- Picturing Hokkaido. Terms and duties -- The Hokkaido Commission -- Views of Hokkaido -- The aim as subject -- Reprographic afterlives -- Sex and violence in the teahouse. Preparations -- At the Vienna World Exposition -- A teahouse for Vienna -- Blood statement -- A merchant of images. Austro-Hungarian globetrotters -- The rise of the Japan Photographic Association -- Toward a global enterprise -- Constructing and contesting Japan. Four photographic albums -- Colored costumes -- Masters and apprentices -- The trials of Stillfried. Hermann Andersen and "Stillfried and Andersen" -- Professor Stillfried : an expert witness and instructor -- The consular courts and the arrival of Franz von Stillfried -- A new series, painted and unpainted -- Stillfried and the return to paints.



Stillfried, Raimund, Baron von, 1839-1911.
Stillfried, Raimund (1839-1911; Baron von).
Stillfried, Raimund von 1839-1911
Chōsen Kōgei Kenkyūkai
Photography Japan History 19th century.
21.42 history of photographic art.
Stillfried, Raimund : von.
Japan History 19th century Pictorial works.


Exhibition catalogues.
Illustrated works

Vedettes secondaires:

Photography in Asia ; v. 1.

Baron Raimund von Stillfried and early Yokohama photography


Localisation: Bibliothèque main 292149
Cote: BIB 236233
Statut: Disponible


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