Red Africa : affective communities and the Cold War / edited by Mark Nash.
Titre et auteur:

Red Africa : affective communities and the Cold War / edited by Mark Nash.


London, UK : Black Dog Publishing, [2016]


191 pages : illustrations (some color) ; 28 cm

Includes bibliographical references.
Things fall apart / Mark Nash -- Yevgeniy Fiks -- Black students in Red Russia / Burt Caesar -- Reading between the lines : African students in the USSR / Polly Savage -- Alexander Markov -- Che Onejoon -- From Pushkin to Perestroika : art and the seach for an Ethiopian October / Kate Cowcher -- (Black) cosmopolitanism, transnational consciouness and dreams of liberation / Manuela Ribeiro Sanches -- Isaac Julien -- Ângela Ferreira -- A grin without a marker / Filipa César -- Jo Ractliffe -- Tonel -- Nostalgia and utopia / Nadine Siegert -- Kiluanji Kia Henda -- Paulo Kapela -- Archival past future of revolution and decolonisation in contemporary artistic practice from, and about, "Lusophone" Africa / Ana Balona de Oliveira -- Travelling Communiqué -- Socialist friendship / Milica Tomić in conversation with Vanessa Vasić-Janeković -- Museum of Yugoslav History -- Contributor biographies -- Ackowlegements -- Image credits.

It is now almost 25 years since the fall of the Berlin Wall, the fragmentation of the Soviet Union into a series of republics and the rejection of communist politics in much of the former Eastern Bloc. Seen by many as a victory for the capitalist West over the communist East, the geopolitics of this period was far more complicated than this. Across a series of essays and artist contributions, Red Africa explores the crosscurrents of international solidarity and friendship. The aesthetic experience of the works and the exhibition is also an invitation for the visitor to explore what Leila Ghandi and others have described as a politics of affective community. Red Africa is the culmination of a two-year research programme and exhibition project at Calvert 22, London, and Iwalewa House, Bayreuth. This traced the work of African artists and filmmakers who studied in the Soviet Union and Eastern Bloc under free education schemes originally offered under the Third International, discontinued during Stalin's reign, then brought back during Khruschev's thaw. Connections were particularly strong with countries such as Mozambique, Ghana, Ethiopia and Angola that were conducting liberation struggles or which, post-independence, were part of the Non-Aligned Movement which held its first Summit conference in Belgrade in 1961. Red Africa is beautifully illustrated with film stills, artworks and archival images drawing on the extensive research of the contributing artists, researchers and curators. Contributors include Onejoon Che, Radovan Cukic and Ivan Manojlovic, Ros Gray, Ana Balona de Oliveira, Burt Cesar, Filipa Cesar, Angela Ferreira, Yevgenyi Fiks, Kiluanji Kia Henda, Isaac Julien, Alexander Markov, Jo Ratcliffe, Polly Savage, Nadine Siegert, Manuela Ribeiro Sanches, The Travelling Communique Group, Milica Tomic, Tonel and Vanessa Vasic-Janekovic.


1910433942 (paperback)
9781910433942 (paperback)


Sovetskaja Associacija Meždunarodnogo Prava
Art, Modern 20th century Exhibitions.
Artists, Black Soviet Union 20th century History.
Intercultural communication Soviet Union.
Art 20e siècle Expositions.
Artistes noirs URSS 20e siècle Histoire.
Communist countries.
cultural cooperation.
exhibition catalogues (form)
Art and Design.
Art, Modern.
Artists, Black.
Diplomatic relations.
Intercultural communication.
Race relations.
Politische Kunst
Art moderne Expositions artistiques 20e siècle.
Communisme Expositions Afrique.
Artistes noirs URSS 20e siècle.
Communication interculturelle URSS Histoire.
Étudiants africains URSS Histoire.
Soviet Union Foreign relations Africa.
Soviet Union Race relations.
URSS Relations extérieures Afrique.
Soviet Union.
Afrique Relations extérieures URSS.


Exhibition publications.
catalogs (documents)
Exhibition catalogs.

Vedettes secondaires:

Nash, Mark, 1947- editor.


Localisation: Bibliothèque main 294903
Cote: BIB 240833
Statut: Disponible


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