Learning from Shenzhen : China's post-Mao experiment from special zone to model city / edited by Mary Ann O'Donnell, Winnie Wong, and Jonathan Bach.
Titre et auteur:

Learning from Shenzhen : China's post-Mao experiment from special zone to model city / edited by Mary Ann O'Donnell, Winnie Wong, and Jonathan Bach.


Chicago : The University of Chicago Press, 2017.


xiv, 283 pages, 16 unnumbered pages of plates : maps ; 24 cm

"This volume developed out of two conferences: 'Shenzhen+China, Utopias+Dystopias', held at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in 2011, and 'Learning from Shenzhen', held at the Shenzhen Land Use Resources and Planning Commission in 2011 as part of the Shenzhen Urbanism Biennale"--ECIP data.
Includes index.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
Introduction: learning from Shenzhen: experiments, exceptions, and extensions / Mary Ann O'Donnell, Winnie Wong, and Jonathan Bach -- Experiments (1979-92). Shenzhen: from exception to rule / Jonathan Bach ; Heroes of the special zone: modeling reform and its limits / Mary Ann O'Donnell ; The tripartite origins of Shenzhen: Beijing, Hong Kong, and Bao'an / Weiwen Huang ; How to be a Shenzhener: representations of migrant labor in Shenzhen's second decade / Eric Florence -- Exceptions (1992-2004). Laying siege to the villages: the vernacular geography of Shenzhen / Mary Ann O'Donnell ; The political architecture of the first and second lines / Emma Xin Ma and Adrian Blackwell ; "They come in peasants and leave citizens": urban villages and the making of Shenzhen / Jonathan Bach ; Sex work, migration, and mental health in Shenzhen / Willa Dong and Yu Cheng -- Extensions (2004-present). Shenzhen's model Bohemia and the creative China dream / Winnie Wong ; Preparedness and the Shenzhen model of public health / Katherine A. Mason ; Simulating global mobility at Shenzhen "International" Airport / Max Hirsh -- Conclusion: learning from Shenzhen / Mary Ann O'Donnell, Winnie Wong, and Jonathan Bach.

This multidisciplinary volume, the first of its kind, presents an account of China's contemporary transformation via one of its most important yet overlooked cities: Shenzhen, located just north of Hong Kong. In recent decades, Shenzhen has transformed from an experimental site for economic reform into a dominant city at the crossroads of the global economy. The first of China's special economic zones, Shenzhen is today a UNESCO City of Design and the hub of China's emerging technology industries. Bringing China studies into dialogue with urban studies, the contributors explore how the post-Mao Chinese appropriation of capitalist logic led to a dramatic remodeling of the Chinese city and collective life in China today. These essays show how urban villages and informal institutions enabled social transformation through cases of public health, labor, architecture, gender, politics, education, and more. Offering scholars and general readers alike an unprecedented look at one of the world's most dynamic metropolises, this collective history uses the urban case study to explore critical problems and possibilities relevant for modern-day China and beyond.


9780226401096 (cloth ; alk. paper)
022640109X (cloth ; alk. paper)
9780226401126 (pbk. ; alk. paper)
022640112X (pbk. ; alk. paper)


Urban renewal China Shenzhen Shi Congresses.
Free ports and zones China Congresses.
Municipal government China Shenzhen Shi Congresses.
Free ports and zones.
Municipal government.
Urban renewal.
Freie Wirtschaftszone
Shenzhen Shi (China) Congresses.
Shenzhen Jingji Tequ (Shenzhen Shi, China) Congresses.
China Shenzhen Jingji Tequ (Shenzhen Shi)
China Shenzhen Shi.


Conference papers (document genres)
Conference papers and proceedings.

Vedettes secondaires:

O'Donnell, Mary Ann, 1964- author, editor.
Wong, Winnie, 1978- author, editor.
Bach, Jonathan P. G., author, editor.


Localisation: Bibliothèque main 306990
Cote: BIB 252533
Statut: Disponible


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