Teaching climate change in the humanities / edited by Stephen Siperstein, Shane Hall and Stephanie LeMenager.
London ; New York : Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group, 2017.
xxiv, 294 pages : illustrations ; 24 cm
Climate change is an enormous and increasingly urgent issue. This important book highlights how humanities disciplines can mobilize the creative and critical power of students, teachers, and communities to confront climate change. The book is divided into four clear sections to help readers integrate climate change into the classes and topics they are already teaching as well as engage with interdisciplinary methods and techniques. Teaching Climate Change in the Humanities constitutes a map and toolkit for anyone who wishes to draw upon the strengths of literary and cultural studies to teach valuable lessons that engage with climate change.
9781138907126 (hbk.)
113890712X (hbk.)
9781138907157 (pbk.)
1138907154 (pbk.)
Climate change mitigation Social aspects.
Climatic changes Social aspects.
Humanities Study and teaching.
Climat Changements Atténuation Aspect social.
Climat Changements Aspect social.
Sciences humaines Étude et enseignement.
Geisteswissenschaftlicher Unterricht
Siperstein, Stephen, editor.
Hall, Shane, editor.
LeMenager, Stephanie, 1968- editor.
Localisation: Bibliothèque main 299587
Cote: BIB 245726
Statut: Disponible
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