Teaching climate change in the humanities / edited by Stephen Siperstein, Shane Hall and Stephanie LeMenager.
Titre et auteur:

Teaching climate change in the humanities / edited by Stephen Siperstein, Shane Hall and Stephanie LeMenager.


London ; New York : Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group, 2017.


xxiv, 294 pages : illustrations ; 24 cm

Includes bibliographical references and index.
Part I. Who we are. Making climate change our job / SueEllen Campbell -- Climate disruption involves all disciplines: who becomes a mentor? / James Engell -- When the newt shut off the lights: scale, practice, politics / Stacy Alaimo -- Knowing and not knowing climate change: pedagogy for a new dispensation / Matthew Kearnes -- Energy, climate and the classroom: a letter / Imre Szeman -- Will the end of the world be on the final exam? Emotions, climate change and teaching an introductory environmental studies course / Robert Wilson -- Teaching climate crisis in the neoliberal university: on the poverty of the environmental humanities / Upamanyu Pablo Mukherjee, Graeme Macdonald, Nicholas Lawrence, and Jonathan Skinner -- Climate change, public engagement and integrated environmental humanities / Steven Hartman.
Part II. Teaching and learning climate change head on. Thinking climate change like a planet: notes from an environmental philosopher / J. Baird Callicott -- Teaching about climate change and indigenous peoples: decolonizing research and broadening knowledge / Mark Carey, Kathy Lynn, Kevin Hatfield, and Jennifer O'Neal -- Teaching teleconnection / Gillen D'Arcy Wood -- Building paradise in the classroom / Janet Fiskio -- Learning in the Anthropocene: environmental justice and climate pedagogy / Robert Melchior Figueroa -- In-Flight Behaviour: teaching climate change literature in first year intro English / Greg Garrard -- Learning from the past -- teaching past climate change and catastrophes as windows onto vulnerability and resilience / Felix Riede, Annette Højen Sørensen, Jan Dietrich, Mogens S. Høgsberg, Mathias V. Nordvig, and Esben B. Niels -- Climate visualizations as cultural objects / Heather Houser -- Engaging the 'Eaarth': teaching and making climate change cultures in an art and design context / Nicole Merola -- Signs, images, and narratives: climate change across languages and cultures / Uwe Küchler.
Part III. Teaching and Learning Climate Change Sideways. The elephant in the room: acknowledging global climate change in courses not focused on climate / Scott Slovic -- Teaching climate change otherwise / Swayam Bagaria and Naveeda Kahn -- Teaching ecological restoration in the climate change century / Cheryll Glotfelty -- Exploratory concepts, case studies, and keywords for teaching environmental justice and climate change in a lower-level humanities classroom / Julie Sze -- Garbage and literature: generating narrative from a culture of waste / Stephanie Foote -- Teaching literature as climate changes: ecological presence, a globalized world, and Helon Habila's Oil on Water / Anthony Vital -- Looking back to look ahead: climate change and US literary history / William Gleason -- Atlas' shifting shoulders: teaching climate change and classics / Darragh Martin -- Stealing the apocalypse: myths of resistance in contemporary popular culture / Anthony Lioi -- Teaching climate change and film / Stephen Rust.
Part IV. Archives and contexts for teaching and learning climate change. The persuasive force of the right supplementary materials for climate change humanities courses / Patrick D. Murphy -- Vanishing sounds: Thoreau and the sixth extinction / Wai Chee Dimock -- Teaching climate change at the end of nature: Post-colonial Australia, indigenous realism, and Alexis Wright's The Swan Book / Emily Potter -- When sea levels rise: writing/righting climate change in Pacific Islanders' literature / Hsinya Huang -- Climate change and changing world literature / Karen Thornber -- Untangling intentions: teaching history of climate politics / Peder Anker -- Afterword / Bill McKibben.
Text in English.

Climate change is an enormous and increasingly urgent issue. This important book highlights how humanities disciplines can mobilize the creative and critical power of students, teachers, and communities to confront climate change. The book is divided into four clear sections to help readers integrate climate change into the classes and topics they are already teaching as well as engage with interdisciplinary methods and techniques. Teaching Climate Change in the Humanities constitutes a map and toolkit for anyone who wishes to draw upon the strengths of literary and cultural studies to teach valuable lessons that engage with climate change.


9781138907126 (hbk.)
113890712X (hbk.)
9781138907157 (pbk.)
1138907154 (pbk.)


Climate change mitigation Social aspects.
Climatic changes Social aspects.
Humanities Study and teaching.
Climat Changements Atténuation Aspect social.
Climat Changements Aspect social.
Sciences humaines Étude et enseignement.
Geisteswissenschaftlicher Unterricht

Vedettes secondaires:

Siperstein, Stephen, editor.
Hall, Shane, editor.
LeMenager, Stephanie, 1968- editor.


Localisation: Bibliothèque main 299587
Cote: BIB 245726
Statut: Disponible


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