Dombernowsky, Per (Engineer) author.
Computed morphologies / Per Dombernowsky, Asbjørn Søndergaard.
1st edition.
Aarhus : Arkitektskolen Forlag, 2014.
154 pages : illustrations (some colors) ; 23 cm
Presentation of a series of ground-breaking experiments with topological optimization of architectural structures. Topology optimization - a method widely applied in the aeronautical and automotive industries - may enable material reductions of up to 70 pct. in concrete structures, while generating novel, architectural forms. The realization of such complex structural morphologies however, calls for the development of new digital means of construction. The publication illustrates the development of new experimental, robotic production methods for the fabrication of novel architectural structures, and contextualizes the application of structural optimization as an architectural design strategy through historical examples, spanning from 18th century physics-based methods to contemporary building practices.
Structural engineering.
Computer-aided design.
Technique de la construction.
Conception assistée par ordinateur.
structural engineering.
computer-aided designs (visual works)
Søndergaard, Asbjørn, author.
Localisation: Bibliothèque main 291095
Cote: BIB 234426
Statut: Disponible
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