Sugimoto, Hiroshi, 1948- photographer, writer of added commentary.
Hiroshi Sugimoto : theaters / designed by Takaaki Matsumoto.
[Italy] : Damiani ; [New York] : Matsumoto Editions, [2016]
175 pages : chiefly illustrations ; 29 cm
"For almost four decades, Sugimoto has been photographing the interiors of theaters using a large-format camera and no lighting other than the projection of the running movie. He opens the aperture when a film begins and closes it when it ends. In the resulting images, the screen becomes a luminous white box, its ambient light subtly bringing forward the rich architectural details of these spaces."--Publisher's description.
9788862084772 (cloth ; hardbound)
8862084773 (cloth ; hardbound)
Sugimoto, Hiroshi, 1948-
Sugimoto, Hiroshi 1948-
Motion picture theaters Pictorial works.
Drive-in theaters Pictorial works.
Architectural photography.
Photography of interiors.
Photography, Artistic.
Screens Pictorial works.
Theaters in art.
Photobooks Japan.
Cinémas Ouvrages illustrés.
Photographie d'intérieurs.
Photographie d'architecture.
Photographie artistique.
Écrans (Mobilier) Ouvrages illustrés.
Livres photos Japon.
Ciné-parcs Ouvrages illustrés.
art photography.
Drive-in theaters
Motion picture theaters
Pictorial works
Livres de photographies.
Matsumoto, Takaaki, book designer.
Murray, Giles, translator.
Sugimoto, Hiroshi, 1948- My inner theater.
Localisation: Bibliothèque main 293092
Cote: BIB 237745
Statut: Disponible
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