Demo polis. English.
Demo polis : the right to public space / edited by Barbara Hoidn ; translations, Lisa Rosenblatt, Yuma Shinohara, Wilfried Wang.
Zurich, Switzerland : Park Books, [2016]
287 pages : illustrations (chiefly color), plans ; 28 cm
"Demo:polis" is a sociological and urbanist research undertaking comprehensively examining what 'public space' means today. After two decades of appropriation of the internet's anonymous, virtual public space, people are once again taking to streets and squares for their concern. Public space today is no longer merely a large square in the heart of town: it is traffic hub, advertising medium, multi-functional space, or simply a place to hang out. It can be a combat zone for various interest groups at one time and a place for individual self-projection and collective experience at another, but also a strong manifestation of social segregation and neglect. The DEMO:POLIS project has resulted in this new book. It features a vast range of exemplary public spaces and presents controversial artistic and urban design interventions that demonstrate protests against and criticisms of the status quo. Richly illustrated, it also presents various artistic and scientific approaches and working principles, offering manifold design options for the public space. The book is published to coincide with an exhibition at Berlin's Akademie der Kunste in spring 2016.
9783038600053 (English edition ; hd. bd.)
3038600059 (English edition ; hd. bd.)
Public spaces Exhibitions.
City planning Exhibitions.
Architecture and society Exhibitions.
Espaces publics Expositions.
Architecture et société Expositions.
Architecture and society.
City planning.
Public spaces.
Exhibition catalogs.
exhibition catalogs.
Catalogues d'exposition.
Hoidn, Barbara, 1959- editor.
Rosenblatt, Lisa (Translator), translator.
Shinohara, Yuma, translator.
Wang, Wilfried, translator.
Akademie der Künste (Berlin, Germany), host institution.
University of Texas at Austin. School of Architecture, sponsoring body.
Localisation: Bibliothèque main 293359
Cote: BIB 238203
Statut: Disponible
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