Landscapes of modern architecture : Wright, Mies, Neutra, Aalto, Barragán / Marc Treib.
Entrée principale:

Treib, Marc, author.

Titre et auteur:

Landscapes of modern architecture : Wright, Mies, Neutra, Aalto, Barragán / Marc Treib.


New Haven : Yale University Press, [2016].


268 pages : illustrations (chiefly color), plans ; 25 x 28 cm

Imprint taken from book jacket.
Includes bibliographical references (pages 235-264) and index.
Frank Lloyd Wright : Of the desert -- Mies van der Rohe : The other, nature -- Richard Neutra : Mystery and realities of the site -- Alvar Aalto : Aalto's nature -- Luis Barragán : Settings for solitude.

"An authoritative study of the interrelationship between modern architecture, landscape, and site strategy as viewed through the work of five prominent architects. Modern architects are often condemned for a seeming disregard of site considerations such as climate, topography, and existing vegetation. Noted landscape and architectural historian Marc Treib counters this prevailing view in an authoritative and unprecedented survey of 20th-century buildings and their landscapes. Exploring a range of architectural, philosophical, and theoretical approaches, Treib investigates the site strategies of five prominent modern-period architects: Frank Lloyd Wright (1867-1959), Ludwig Mies van der Rohe (1886-1969), Richard Neutra (1892-1970), Alvar Aalto (1898-1976), and Luis Barragán (1902-1988).The character of the sites on which these architects worked dramatically affected their architecture and gardens, a fact illustrated by Wright's "organic" regard of the desert; Mies's evolving divorce of building from terrain; Neutra's transformation of the "realities" of the site; Aalto's use of the forest metaphor and interior landscapes; and Barragn's architectonic conversion of the land. Fully illustrated with rarely published archival drawings and plans, accompanied by the author's own exceptional photographs, this book presents the spectrum of architectural responses to the constraints of site, climate, client, program, building material, region, and nation. Taken as a group, the work of these five architects sheds important light on the consideration and influence of the site and landscape on the practice of architecture during the 20th century." --Cover.


9780300208412 (hardback)
0300208413 (hardback)


Wright, Frank Lloyd, 1867-1959.
Mies van der Rohe, Ludwig, 1886-1969.
Neutra, Richard Joseph, 1892-1970.
Aalto, Alvar, 1898-1976.
Barragán, Luis, 1902-1988.
Aalto, Alvar 1898-1976
Barragán, Luis 1902-1988
Mies van der Rohe, Ludwig 1886-1969
Neutra, Richard 1892-1970
Wright, Frank Lloyd 1867-1959
Landscape architecture 20th century.
Architecture, Modern 20th century.
Architecture Environmental aspects.
Architecture du paysage 20e siècle.
Architecture 20e siècle.
Architecture Aspect de l'environnement.
Architecture and Planning.
Landscape architecture.
Architecture, Modern.


Localisation: Bibliothèque main 294097
Cote: BIB 239418
Statut: Disponible


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