Ma, Yansong, 1975- author.
MAD works, MAD Architects / Ma Yansong.
London : Phaidon Press Limited, 2016.
239 pages : illustrations (chiefly color), plans ; 29 cm
The first complete overview of the most important contemporary architecture practice ever to have emerged from China The skylines of modern China are punctuated by architecture that amazes, inspires, and awes. Many of these structures are the work of new, experimental practices like China-based MAD Architects. MAD Works not only documents the buildings of this group of avant-garde architects but also traces the development of their ideas through associated practice including art, research, and exhibition projects. Organized thematically, the book explores the underlying concepts of MAD Architects' work. MAD Works is illustrated with photographs, architectural drawings, and 3D visualizations to provide a thorough exploration of MAD Architect's international portfolio of completed works, unbuilt projects, and future ideas.
9780714871967 (hardback)
0714871966 (hardback)
Ma, Yansong, 1975-
Ma, Yansong,
Ma, Yansong, (1975- ...)
MAD Ltd.
MAD Architects.
Architecture China History 21st century.
Architecture, Modern.
Avant-garde (Aesthetics)
Architecture Chine Histoire 21e siècle.
Architecture History China 21st century.
Architecture and Planning.
Architecture Chine 21e siècle.
Architecture organique Chine 21e siècle.
Localisation: Bibliothèque main 293406
Cote: BIB 238329
Statut: Disponible
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