Verkerk, Herman, author.
Events : situating the temporary / Herman Verkerk, EventArchitectuur.
1st edition.
Basel, Switzerland : Birkhäuser Verlag, GmbH, [2017]
[704] pages : illustrations ; 25 cm
The Amsterdam-based design office of EventArchitectuur has been active in the fields of exhibition and interior design and temporary architecture for more than 20 years, with their projects and interventions present in Berlin, Paris, New York and many other locations world-wide. In this substantial book, designed by the Dutch design studio Experimental Jetset, Herman Verkerk and his team dedicate their knowledge and experience to the design community. With contributions by Bernard Tschumi, Beatriz Colomina, Dirk van den Heuvel, Ellen Blumenstein and many others, topics comprise time-based narrative architecture, the architecture of events, display in public context, building-related landscape and many others. This approach makes the book a content-driven tool of communication and knowledge.
9783035610208 (paperback)
3035610207 (paperback)
Design 2016
Buildings, Temporary.
Architecture Philosophy.
Constructions provisoires.
Architecture Philosophie.
architectural theory.
Temporäre Architektur
EventArchitectuur (Firm)
Localisation: Bibliothèque main 296242
Cote: BIB 242687
Statut: Disponible
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