A matter of memory : photography as object in the digital age / edited and with an essay by Lisa Hostetler ; with contributions from William T. Green.
Titre et auteur:

A matter of memory : photography as object in the digital age / edited and with an essay by Lisa Hostetler ; with contributions from William T. Green.


Rochester, New York : George Eastman Museum, [2016]


176 pages : illustrations (some color) ; 31 cm

"Published in conjunction with the exhibition A Matter of Memory: Photography as Object in the Digital Age, presented by the George Eastman Museum, October 22, 2016-January 29, 2017."
Includes bibliographical references and index.
Foreword / Bruce Barnes -- Acknowledgments / Lisa Hostetler -- A matter of memory: photography as object in the digital age / Lisa Hostetler -- Plates with accompanying text / William T. Green -- Laying the groundwork : Robert Heinecken ; Floris M. Neusüss ; Kunié Sugiura ; Ellen Carey ; Adam Fuss ; James Welling ; Kenneth Josephson ; Thomas F. Barrow -- Material memories : Mladen Bizumic ; Farrah Karapetian ; Marco Breuer ; Alison Rossiter ; Matthew Brandt -- The life of a photograph : Phil Chang ; Bryan Graf ; Nick Marshall ; Yola Monakhov Stockton ; Chris McCaw ; John Chiara -- The photograph as sculptural presence : Leslie Hewitt ; Marlo Pascual ; Laura Letinsky ; Matthew Porter -- The photograph as talisman of recollection and emotion : Bertien van Manen ; Jim Lommasson ; Jason Lazarus ; Vik Muniz ; Diane Meyer ; Augusta Wood -- A photographic Babylon : Taryn Simon ; Michelle Stuart ; Antony Cairns ; Lilly Lulay ; Melanie Willhide ; Matthew Swarts.

The majority of photographic images today are recorded and viewed digitally, rather than on film and paper. Amateurs, photojournalists and commercial photographers alike rarely produce material objects as the final step in their photographic process, making photographs in the form of physical objects increasingly scarce. But what happens to personal and collective memories when photographic images are not instantly accessible on the face of physical objects? How is society's relationship to memory changing as digital photographs become the norm? A number of contemporary artists are making work that suggests the potential consequences of photography's latest metamorphosis. Two main strategies emerge: some artists dig deep into photographic materials as though searching for the locus of memory, and others incorporate found photographs into their work as virtual talismans of recollection. Both highlight the presence of the photographic object and function as self-conscious meditations on photography's ongoing reorganization of our mental and physical landscape. 'A Matter of Memory' features the work of more than 30 artists including Thomas Barrow, Matthew Brandt, Ellen Carey, John Chiara, Adam Fuss, Robert Heinecken, Leslie Hewitt, Kenneth Josephson, Laura Letinsky, Chris McCaw, Diane Meyer, Yola Monakhov Stockton, Vik Muniz, Floris Neusüss, Marlo Pascual, Matthew Porter, Taryn Simon, Michelle Stuart, Kunié Sugiura, Bertien van Manen, James Welling and Augusta Wood.


9780935398182 (hardcover ; alkaline paper)
093539818X (hardcover ; alkaline paper)


International Museum of Photography and Film
Bauhaus Dessau 1986-1994 Bereich Architektur und Sammlungen
Photographs Psychological aspects Exhibitions.
Digital images Exhibitions.
Memory Exhibitions.
Images numériques Expositions.
Digital images.
Photographs Psychological aspects.
Digitale Fotografie
Photography, Artistic


Exhibition catalogs.
exhibition catalogs.
Catalogues d'exposition.

Vedettes secondaires:

Hostetler, Lisa, 1971- editor, author of essay.
Green, William T., 1989- contributor.
George Eastman Museum, organizer, host institution.
George Eastman Museum organizer, host institution.


Localisation: Bibliothèque main 293776
Cote: BIB 238950
Statut: Disponible


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