Crippa, Elena, author.
Exhibition, design, participation : 'an Exhibit' 1957 and related projects / Elena Crippa ; with additional essays by Martin Beck and Owen Hatherley ; texts by Lawrence Alloway and David Sylvester ; interviews with artists Richard Hamilton (conducted by Dorothy Morland) and Victor Pasmore (conducted by Leif Sjöberg) ; and an introduction by Lucy Steeds.
London : Afterall Books ; Annandale-on-Hudson, NY : in association with the Center for Curatorial Studies, Bard College, 2016.
London : Koenig Books, [date of distribution not identified]
239 pages : illustrations (some color) ; 22 cm
Exhibition histories
The radical project 'an Exhibit' emerged from a decade of testing the formats and possibilities of exhibition-making. A collaboration between two artists, Richard Hamilton and Victor Pasmore, and critic Lawrence Alloway, the show was simultaneously an investigation into abstract environmental forms and a participatory experiment that would fundamentally transform the role of the viewer. Comprehensive documentation of the original exhibition is presented alongside coverage of other key projects from the era and contextualised through the detailed analysis of Elena Crippa. Archival texts conveying the different voices of 'an Exhibit's three creators and an essay from the time by David Sylvester are accompanied by new contributions by Martin Beck, Owen Hatherley and Lucy Steeds. This book addresses the diverse legacies of 'an Exhibit' from its reverberations in contemporary art practice to its influence on urban design and social housing.--Provided by the publisher.
9783863358976 (paperback ; Koenig Books)
386335897X (paperback ; Koenig Books)
9781846381676 (Afterall Books)
1846381673 (Afterall Books)
Hamilton, Richard, 1922-2011.
Pasmore, Victor, 1908-1998.
Hamilton, Richard, (1922-2011)
Pasmore, Victor, (1908-1998)
An Exhibit (Exhibition) (1957 : ICA Gallery, London)
Art Exhibition techniques.
Installations (Art) Great Britain.
Art museums Exhibitions.
Art, British 20th century Exhibitions.
Artists as art museum curators.
Art Museums Exhibitions.
Art Techniques d'exposition.
Installations (Art) Grande-Bretagne.
Art Musées Expositions.
Art britanniques 20e siècle Expositions.
Artistes conservateurs de musée d'art.
Art britannique 20e siècle Expositions.
Art, British
Art museums
Installations (Art)
Great Britain
Exhibition catalogs
Beck, Martin, 1962- author.
Hatherly, Owen, author.
Alloway, Lawrence, 1926-1990, contributor.
Hamilton, Richard, 1922-2011, contributor.
Morland, Dorothy, 1906-1999, contributor.
Pasmore, Victor, 1908-1998, contributor.
Sjöberg, Leif, contributor.
Steeds, Lucy, contributor.
Sylvester, David, contributor.
Institute of Contemporary Arts (London, England)
Exhibition histories.
Localisation: Bibliothèque main 293449
Cote: BIB 238404
Statut: Disponible
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