Radical technologies : the design of everyday life / Adam Greenfield.
Entrée principale:

Greenfield, Adam, author.

Titre et auteur:

Radical technologies : the design of everyday life / Adam Greenfield.


London ; New York : Verso, 2017.


359 pages ; 24 cm

Includes bibliographical references and index.
Introduction: Paris year zero -- Smartphone : the networking of the self -- The internet of things : a planetary mesh of perception and response -- Augmented reality : an interactive overlay on the world -- Digital fabrication : towards a political economy of matter -- Cryptocurrency : the computational guarantee of value -- Blockchain beyond Bitcoin : a trellis for posthuman institutions -- Automation : the annihilation of work -- Machine learning : the algorithmic production of knowledge -- Artificial intelligence : the eclipse of human discretion -- Radical technologies : the design of everyday life -- Conclusion: Of tetrapods and tactics : radical technologies and everyday life.

"Everywhere we turn, a startling new device promises to transfigure our lives. But at what cost? In this urgent and revelatory excavation of our Information Age, leading technology thinker Adam Greenfield forces us to reconsider our relationship with the networked objects, services and spaces that define us. It is time to re-evaluate the Silicon Valley consensus determining the future. We already depend on the smartphone to navigate every aspect of our existence. We're told that innovations--from augmented-reality interfaces and virtual assistants to autonomous delivery drones and self-driving cars--will make life easier, more convenient and more productive. 3D printing promises unprecedented control over the form and distribution of matter, while the blockchain stands to revolutionize everything from the recording and exchange of value to the way we organize the mundane realities of the day to day. And, all the while, fiendishly complex algorithms are operating quietly in the background, reshaping the economy, transforming the fundamental terms of our politics and even redefining what it means to be human. Having successfully colonized everyday life, these radical technologies are now conditioning the choices available to us in the years to come. How do they work? What challenges do they present to us, as individuals and societies? Who benefits from their adoption? In answering these questions, Greenfield's timely guide clarifies the scale and nature of the crisis we now confront --and offers ways to reclaim our stake in the future"--Publisher's website.


9781784780432 (hardback)
178478043X (hardback)
9781786634498 (export)
178663449X (export)
(US ebk)
(Uk ebk)


Ubiquitous computing.
Electronic data processing Social aspects.
Technological innovations Social aspects.
Work design.
Informatique omniprésente.
Innovations Aspect social.
Travail Conception.
POLITICAL SCIENCE Public Policy Science & Technology Policy.
SOCIAL SCIENCE Popular Culture.
technological change.
information technology.

Vedettes secondaires:

Design of everyday life


Localisation: Bibliothèque main 295278
Cote: BIB 241438
Statut: Disponible


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