Gordon Matta-Clark : experience becomes the object = Gordon Matta-Clark : la experiencia se convierte en objeto / editor, Pedro Donoso ; reflections, Caroline Goodden [and 4 others] ; dialogues, Carmen Beuchat [and 9 others].
Titre et auteur:

Gordon Matta-Clark : experience becomes the object = Gordon Matta-Clark : la experiencia se convierte en objeto / editor, Pedro Donoso ; reflections, Caroline Goodden [and 4 others] ; dialogues, Carmen Beuchat [and 9 others].


Barcelona : Ediciones Polígrafa, [2016]


227 pages : illustrations (some color), portraits (some color) ; 25 cm

Cover title.
Collected essays and interviews.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
Introduction / Pedro Donsono -- Reflections -- Food / Carol Goodden -- Gordon Matta-Clark (A remembrance) / G.H. Hovagimyan -- Gordon Matta-Clark: sketch for an artistic event in a museum / Carlos Navarrete -- Office Baroque / Flor Bex -- From multiple perspectives comes understanding: Gordon Matta-Clark, 'Circus', and the truth / Gwendolyn Owens -- Dialogues -- Carmen Beuchat -- Jane Crawford -- Jaime Davidovich -- Jene Highstein -- Les Levine -- Malitte Matta -- Ramuntcho Matta -- Richard Nonas -- Alan Saret -- Ned Smyth -- Practices -- Projections / Jose Delano -- Epilogue -- I didn't meet him ... but I still know him / Harold Berg -- Documentary.
Text in English and Spanish.

Gordon Matta-Clark (1943?78) died at only 35 of pancreatic cancer and has since become a cult figure of late 20th-century art. Trained in architecture at Cornell, he went on to question the field?s conventions in vivid projects?performance and recycling pieces, space and texture works and word games?some of which excised holes into existing buildings or assembled deeds to New York City alleys and curbs. The artist used a variety of media to document his work, including film, video and photography. 00'Gordon Matta-Clark: Experience Becomes the Object' collects five essays and ten individual interviews with various friends and family members of Matta-Clark?s. Together, they outline a biographical profile and offer an analysis of the historical period in which the artist developed his short but successful career. New, never-before-published material and photographs as well as an exclusive link to the documentary Crosswords: Matta-Clark?s Friends by Matias Cardone are also included.


9788434313552 (hardcover)
8434313553 (hardcover)


Matta-Clark, Gordon, 1943-1978 Criticism and interpretation.
Matta-Clark, Gordon, 1943-1978.
Matta-Clark, Gordon 1943-1978
Conceptual art United States.
Art conceptuel États-Unis.
Conceptual art.
United States.


Criticism, interpretation, etc.

Vedettes secondaires:

Donoso, Pedro, editor.

Experience becomes the object
Experiencia se convierte en objeto


Localisation: Bibliothèque main 293085
Cote: BIB 237720
Statut: Disponible


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