Joachim, Mitchell, author.
XXL-XS : new directions in ecological design / Mitchell Joachim, Mike Silver.
New York : Actar Publishers, [2016]
223 pages : illustrations (some color) ; 24 cm
XXL-XS represents the emerging discipline of ecological design by assembling a wide range of innovators with diverse interests. Geo-engineering, synthetic biology, construction site co-robotics, low-energy fabrication, up-cycling waste, minimally invasive design, living materials, and molecular self-assembly are just a few of the important advances explored in the book. At one extreme are massive public works, at the other, micro to nano-sized interventions that can have equally profound impacts on our world. From terraforming to bio-manufacturing, a new generation of designers is proposing unique ways of confronting the difficult challenges ahead. In this way design becomes a totality of relationships that affects all disciplines, which can no-longer be thought of as self-contained fields, each handled separately by narrowly focused specialists. -- Provided by publisher.
1940291879 paperback
9781940291871 paperback
Sustainable architecture.
Architecture Environmental aspects.
Art Environmental aspects.
Architecture durable.
Architecture Aspect de l'environnement.
Silver, Michael, 1964- author.
New directions in ecological design
Localisation: Bibliothèque main 295569
Cote: BIB 241852
Statut: Disponible
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