Tall wood buildings : design, construction and performance / Michael Green, Jim Taggart.
Entrée principale:

Green, Michael, 1966- author.

Titre et auteur:

Tall wood buildings : design, construction and performance / Michael Green, Jim Taggart.


Basel, Switzerland : Birkhäuser, 2017.


176 pages ; 29 cm

Includes index.
Foreword / Andrew Waugh -- Preface : Wood, a material for our time -- Introduction : Wood, sustainability and climate change : Forests today ; Sustainable forest management ; The role of forests in the carbon cycle ; Carbon storage, wood substitution and embodied energy -- Principles of tall wood buildings : Buildings taller with wood : Why not wood? ; Building codes ; Government policies and market incentives -- Materials : Properties of wood ; Engineered wood products ; Adhesives -- Structural systems : Load paths ; Load transfer ; Self-centering structures ; Uplift forces ; Structure and program -- Building performance : Fire safety ; Acoustic performance ; Thermal performance -- Design and construction : Off-site and on-site construction ; Integrated design -- Technology : CNC manufacturing ; Connection systems ; Load transfer -- Case studies : Panel systems : Bridport house, London, England ; Strandparken Hus B, Sundbyberg, Sweden ; Via Cenni social housing, Milan, Italy ; Woodcube, Hamburg, Germany ; Puukuokka housing block, Jyväskylä, Finland -- Frame systems : Earth sciences building, Vancouver, Canada ; Tamedia head office, Zurich, Switzerland ; Bullitt Center, Seattle -- Wood Innovation and Design Center, Prince George, Canada -- Hybrid systems : Badenerstrasse mixed-use building, Zurich, Switzerland ; LCT One, Dornbirn, Austria ; 17-21 Wenlock Road mixed-use building, London, England ; Treet apartment building, Bergen, Norway -- New visions, new heights -- Glossary of terms and acronyms.

Tall Wood buildings' have been at the foreground of innovative building practice for a number of years. From London to Stockholm, from Vancouver to Melbourne timber buildings of up to 20 storeys have been built or designed. This publication explains the typical construction types and documents an international selection of 13 case studies with many specially prepared construction drawings, demonstrating the range of the technology.


9783035604757 (hardcover ; alk. paper)
3035604754 (hardcover ; alk. paper)


Building, Wooden.
Tall buildings.
Construction en bois.
Immeubles de grande hauteur.

Vedettes secondaires:

Taggart, Jim, author.


Localisation: Bibliothèque main 295149
Cote: BIB 241218
Statut: Disponible


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