Governing urban Africa / Carlos Nunes Silva, editor.
Titre et auteur:

Governing urban Africa / Carlos Nunes Silva, editor.


London, United Kingdom : Palgrave Macmillan, [2016]


xv, 380 pages : illustrations (some color), maps ; 22 cm

Includes bibliographical references and index.
Notes on Contributors; List of Figures; List of Tables; Chapter 1: Introduction; Notes; References; Part I: Decentralization and Planning Law Reforms; Chapter 2: Local Government and Urban Governance in Lusophone African Countries: From Colonial Centralism to Post-Colonial Slow Decentralization; 1 Introduction; 2 The Colonial Period: Centralization and De-Concentration; 3 The Post-Colonial Period: The First and the Second Republics; 3.1 Cape Verde; 3.2 São Tome and Príncipe; 3.3 Mozambique; 3.4 Angola; 3.5 Guinea-Bissau; 4 Conclusion; Notes; References.
Legislation: Post-Colonial Period Legislation: Colonial Period; Chapter 3: Urban Governance in a Devolved Kenya; 1 Introduction; 2 Decentralization and Kenya's 2010 Constitution; 3 Devolution and County Governments; 4 Devolution and the Urban Challenge; 5 The Governance of Urban Areas Under Devolution; 6 Devolution: Problems and Prospects; 6.1 The National Government Versus Counties; 6.2 The National Government Versus The National Government; 6.3 Intra-County Struggles; 7 Conclusion; 8 Future Prospects; Notes; References; Legal Documents.
Chapter 4: Decentralization in Africa: Local Government and Health Care in Ghana, Malawi and Tanzania1 Introduction; 2 Analytical framework; 2.1 Defining Decentralization: Rationale; 2.2 Decentralized Service Delivery: Analytical Framework for Assessment; 3 Health Service Decentralization in Ghana, Malawi and Tanzania; 3.1 Brief Overview of Institutional Frameworks for Health Service Decentralization; Ghana; Tanzania; Malawi; 3.2 Capacity of Decentralised Health Offices to Deliver Services; 3.3 Decision-Making Space; 3.4 Accountability; 3.5 Lessons for improved Implementation; 4 Conclusion.
Note References; Chapter 5: Planning Law Reforms in Africa: Case Studies From Uganda, South Africa and Nigeria; 1 Introduction: The Rationale for Planning Law Reforms in Africa; 2 Origin of Planning Laws in Africa; 2.1 Land-Use Segregationist Policies; 3 Context and Content of Planning-Law Reforms in Some African Countries; 3.1 The Case of Uganda; 3.2 The Case of South Africa; 3.3 The Nigerian Situation; 4 Planning Law Reforms and the Morphology of African Cities; 5 Contemporary Challenges of Planning-Law Reforms; 6 The Urgency for Relevant Planning-Law Reform; 7 Conclusion; References.
Part II: Issues and Challenges in Urban Governance Chapter 6: 'Programmed to Serve': Urban Planning and Elite Interests in Zimbabwe; 1 Introduction; 2 Framework for Analysis; 3 Planning and Elite Interests in Harare; 3.1 Promoting Elitist Visions of Order and Modernity; 3.2 Facilitating Primitive Accumulation; 3.3 Defending Elite Interests; 4 On the Subservience of Planning to Elite Interests; 5 Conclusion; Notes; References; Interviews; Chapter 7: Urban Planning: When Mining Companies Take on Government's Role-Public-Private Collaboration in Regional Development in Guinea; 1 Introduction.

This book explores some of the key challenges confronting the governance of cities in Africa, the reforms implemented in the field of urban governance, and the innovative approaches in critical areas of local governance, namely in the broad field of decentralization and urban planning reform, citizen participation, and good governance. The collection also investigates the constraints that continuously hamper urban governments as well as the ability to improve urban governance in African cities through citizen responsive innovations. Decentralization based on the principle of subsidiarity emerges as a critical necessary reform if African cities are to be appropriately empowered to face the challenges created by the unprecedented urban growth rate experienced all over the continent. This requires, among other initiatives, the implementation of an effective local self-government system, the reform of planning laws, including the adoption of new planning models, the development of citizen participation in local affairs, and new approaches to urban informality. The book will be of interest to students, researchers and policy makers in urban studies, and in particular for those interested in urban planning in Africa.


9781349951093 (ebook)
1349951099 (ebook)


Municipal government Africa.
Administration municipale Afrique.
Municipal government.
Politics and government.
Africa Politics and government.
Afrique Politique et gouvernement.

Vedettes secondaires:

Silva, Carlos Nunes.


Localisation: Bibliothèque main 295217
Cote: BIB 241313
Statut: Disponible


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