Dunn, Sarah, author.
Bowling : water, architecture, urbanism / UrbanLab ; Sarah Dunn and Martin Felsen ; essays by Stan Allen and John McMorrough ; edited by Ellen Grimes.
First edition.
[San Francisco, California] : Applied Research and Design, [2017]
271 pages : illustrations (some color), color maps, plans ; 21 cm
As populations steadily increase in cities, the world's natural resources are consumed at ever-faster rates. The majority of the world's populations live in countries where clean water supplies are dwindling, and these water shortages are also quickly translating into food shortages. What can designers do to avert looming water-related realities? Bowling views potential water crises as opportunities to speculate on future urban design possibilities, especially in cities. Several projects are presented that take an ecological approach to re-thinking received urban design methodologies of addressing the design of water-related infrastructures in existing and new cities.
1940743133 (paperback)
9781940743134 (paperback)
Water and architecture.
Architectural design Catalogs.
Urban landscape architecture Catalogs.
Municipal water supply.
Water resources development Planning.
Eau et architecture.
Design architectural Catalogues.
Paysage urbain Catalogues.
Eau Approvisionnement urbain.
Ressources en eau Exploitation Planification.
Architectural design.
Urban landscape architecture.
catalogs (documents)
Felsen, Martin, author.
Allen, Stan, contributor.
McMorrough, John, contributor.
Grimes, Ellen (Ellen Dineen), editor.
UrbanLab (Firm), creator, issuing body.
Water, architecture, urbanism
UrbanLab bowling
Urban lab bowling
Localisation: Bibliothèque main 295909
Cote: BIB 242277
Statut: Disponible
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