Transmaterial next : a catalog of materials that redefine our future / edited by Blaine Brownell.
Titre et auteur:

Transmaterial next : a catalog of materials that redefine our future / edited by Blaine Brownell.


First edition.


New York : Princeton Architectural Press, [2017]


314 pages : color illustrations ; 23 cm

Includes bibliographical references and indexes.
Concrete : Augmented Skin ; BacillaFilla ; Bendable concrete ; Biological concrete ; BlingCrete ; Breathe Brick ; DysCrete ; Functionally graded printing ; Lightning-processed concrete ; Smart concrete ; Watershed block -- Mineral : Aerographene ; BioBrick ; Ceramic paper ; D-shape ; Morphable structures ; Self-healing asphalt ; Smog free project ; Stone spray ; Transparent armor ; WasteBasedBrick -- Metal : Air Flow(er) ; Crisscross signal sphire ; Drawing series ; Exo ; Flash-formed iron ; From of light force transmission ; Lotus ; Microlattice ; MX3D metal ; Windscreen -- Wood and biomaterials : Artichair ; HygroSkin ; Nanocellulose solar cell ; NeptuTherm ; Newspaper wood ; Pneumatic biomaterials deposition ; Rising canes ; Self-folding paper ; Shavings ; Spring wood ; Undergrowth ; Vermilion sands ; Wood foam ; Xylinum cones -- Plastic and rubber : Biomimicry ; Chitosan bioplastic ; Çurface ; Fibonacci's mashrabiya ; Hex ; Landscapes within ; Liquid crystal elastomer ; Photoluminescent bioplastic ; Plag ; PneuSystems ; Self-healing PUU ; VarVac ; Zeoform -- Glass : Bar code ; Bendable glass ; Foamglas ; G3DP ; Porous glass ; Solar activated facade ; Soar roadways ; SolarLeaf ; SolarWindow ; Switchable mirror ; Vascular skin -- Paint and coatings : Algaemy; CO₂-impregnated polymers ; Colorspaces ; E ink prism ; Facadeprinter ; PdCI₂ ; Printable nanosensors ; Propolis vessels ; Smart paint ; Tunable material ; Van Gogh path -- Fabric : 3D weaver ; Bio-fabrication ; Bloom ; Chromosonic ; Continuous function ; Flectofin ; NeWool ; Orimetric ; Poli ; Qmonos ; Self-flexing membrane ; Smart bandage -- Light : Ball wall ; Biobulb ; Common desk ; Crystal ; Light printing ; LightByte ; Mnemosyne ; Non linear ; Starlight avatar ; Swing time ; Waterlicht -- Digital : 4D printing ; Aerial 3D ; BioTac ; C-Fab ; Contact ; Discovery wall ; Flight assembled architecture ; Flow ; Hyper-matrix ; M-blocks ; Pattern transfer nanomanufacturing ; Pointelist.

Virtually every revolution in architecture has been preceded by a revolution in materials: think iron, glass, steel, concrete, plastics, or composites. What is the next revolutionary material that will reshape the very nature of architecture' A solid that's lighter than air, metal latticework so delicate it rests on a dandelion, building insulation made from processed seaweed, self-generating microbial glue that repairs cracks in concrete, or transparent solar panels' Materials expert Blaine Brownell, author of our bestselling Transmaterial series, reveals emerging trends and applications that are transforming the technological capacity, environmental performance, and design potential of architecture in Transmaterial Next. This book is an essential compendium for thinking architects, designers, and other creative professionals passionate about materials and looking for their bleeding edge and practical implementation.


9781616895600 paperback
1616895608 paperback


Materials Technological innovations.
Materials Catalogs.
Matériaux Innovations.
Matériaux Catalogues.
TECHNOLOGY & ENGINEERING Engineering (General)


catalogs (documents)

Vedettes secondaires:

Brownell, Blaine Erickson, 1970- editor.


Localisation: Bibliothèque main 294961
Cote: BIB 240891
Statut: Disponible


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