Shields, Steffie, author.
Moving heaven & earth : Capability Brown's gift of landscape / Steffie Shields.
London : Unicorn Press, [2016]
288 pages : color illustrations, maps ; 28 cm
Moving Heaven and Earth reveals the driven polymath behind the famous nickname. It explores both Brown's artistic legacy and his pioneering work with water in the landscape. The book evaluates the rise of the English landscape garden in the climatic context of his designs and also forms a comprehensive guide for tours and visits.
9781910787151 (hardcover)
1910787159 (hardcover)
Brown, Lancelot, 1716-1783.
Landscape design England History 18th century.
Landscape design Wales History 18th century.
Water in landscape architecture England History 18th century.
Water in landscape architecture Wales History 18th century.
Aménagement paysager Angleterre Histoire 18e siècle.
Aménagement paysager Pays de Galles Histoire 18e siècle.
Eau dans l'architecture du paysage Angleterre Histoire 18e siècle.
Eau dans l'architecture du paysage Pays de Galles Histoire 18e siècle.
Water in landscape architecture
Landscape design
Landscape architects England Catalogs.
Landscape architecture England History 18th century.
Landscape architecture Wales History 18th century.
Architecture and Planning.
Moving heaven and earth
Capability Brown's gift of landscape
Localisation: Bibliothèque main 293559
Cote: BIB 238660
Statut: Disponible
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