Patkau Architects (Firm), author.
Patkau Architects : material operations / Patkau Architects.
New York : Princeton Architectural Press, [2017]
191 pages : illustrations (some color) ; 27 cm
Patkau Architects is known for creating innovative, sculptural buildings that convey artistic expression through the purposeful use of materials. 'Patkau Architects. Material Operations' reveals the architectural philosophy and techniques that drive the firm's extraordinary constructions. Working directly with materials--bending them, breaking them, feeling their texture, mass, and strength--provides a depth of understanding that visual observation alone cannot. The firm's creations demonstrate how attending to and playing with specific materials yields a refreshed and expanded perspective on the possible. 'Patkau Architects. Material Operations' investigates how the qualities of commonly available construction materials and unconventional techniques produce buildable, expressive forms with inherent structural capacities and evocative identities.
9781616895709 (hardcover alkaline paper)
1616895705 (hardcover alkaline paper)
Patkau Architects (Firm)
Architecture Canada History 21st century.
Architecture Canada Histoire 21e siècle.
Localisation: Bibliothèque main 295235
Cote: BIB 241341
Statut: Disponible
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