Transformative avant-garde and other writings / Krzysztof Wodiczko.
Entrée principale:

Wodiczko, Krzysztof, author.

Titre et auteur:

Transformative avant-garde and other writings / Krzysztof Wodiczko.


London, UK : Black Dog Publishing Limited, [2016]


351 pages : illustrations ; 25 cm

Includes bibliographical references (pages 344-345) and index.
Machine generated contents note: DEMOCRACY/AVANT-GARDE -- Maine College of Art Commencement Address 2004 -- Creating Democracy -- Interview With Patricia C Phillips 2003 -- City, Democracy and Artistic Practice 2007 -- Realism as a Course of Life -- Interview With Scapegoat 2012 -- I'm for the Academy -- Interview With K Banachowska 1977 -- West/East: The Depoliticization of Art -- Karl Berveridge And Krzysztof Wodiczko 1980 -- Personal Instrument: A Response to Maria Morzuch 1992 -- For the De-incapacitation of the Avant-Garde in Canada 1984 -- Avant-Garde as Public Art: the Future of a Tradition 1998 -- Liberate the Avant-Garde -- Gregory Sholette And Krzysztof Wodiczko 2014 -- Transformative Avant-Garde: A Manifest of the Present 2014 -- Art, Design and Education 2015 -- IDENTITY/CULTURAL PROSTHETICS -- Beyond Hybrid State -- Warren Niesluchowski And Krzysztof Wodiczko 1992 -- Interview with Bruce Robbins 1996 -- On Alien Staff -- Interview With Tom Finkelpearl 2001 -- Xenology: Immigrant Instruments 1996 -- Cultural Prosthetics 2015 -- Designing for the City of Strangers 1997 -- Prophet's Prosthesis -- Interview With Christiane Paul 1999 -- Conversation with Marek Bartelik -- December 2006 -- INTERROGATIVE DESIGN -- Interrogative Design 1994 -- Homeless Vehicle Project -- David Lurie And Krzysztof Wodiczko 1988 -- 1989 -- Poliscar 1991 -- Interview with Bruce W Ferguson 1991 -- Alien Staff (Xenobacul) 1992 -- Mouthpiece (Le porte-parole) 1993 -- Variants of the Mouthpiece (Le porte-parole) 1995 -- 1997 -- Agis: Equipment for a City of Strangers 1998 -- Dis-Armor 1998 -- Open Transmission 2000 -- MONUMENT/PROJECTION -- I Want to be a Catalyst -- Interview With William Furlong 1988 -- Memorial Projection 1986 -- Public Projection 1983 -- Conversation between Douglas Crimp, Rosalyn Deutsche, Ewa Lajer-Burcharth and Krzysztof Wodiczko 1986 -- Venice Projections 1986 -- Homeless Projection: A Proposal for the City of New York 1986 -- Projection on the Monument to Friedrich II, Kassel 1987 -- Speaking Through Monuments 1988 -- City Hall Tower Projection, Krakow 1996 -- Instruments, Monuments, Projections 2003 -- Monumental Interruption 2004 -- Communicating Through Statues 2004 -- PARRHESIA/INNER PUBLIC -- Fearless Monument Speaks 2003 -- Critical Guests -- John Rajchman And Krzysztof Wodiczko 2009 -- Art, Trauma and Parrhesia 2011 -- War Veteran Vehicle -- Interview With Ben Parry 2012 -- Making of Out/Inside(rs) -- Interview With Jaroslav Andel 2013 -- Casting Shadows: If You See Something... -- Interview With Kathleen Macqueen 2014 -- Inner Public 2015 -- WAR/UN-WAR -- Message from the Artist 1999 -- City of Refuge: A 9/11 Memorial 2009 -- Response to the October Questionnaire -- August 2007 -- Constructing Peace -- Interview With Carol Becker 2012 -- Arc de Triomphe: World Institute for the Abolition of War 2010 -- Culture of War 2012 -- Tomb of the Unknown Soldier: The Jozef Rotblat Institute for the Abolition of War 2015 -- Un-War Cities 2012.

Transformative Avant-Garde and Other Writings is a comprehensive collection of writings by the artist Krzysztof Wodiczko spanning from the 1970s to the present day. Known for his large-scale, politically charged video and slide projections onto prominent architectural structures, this publication explores the development of Wodiczko s political, theoretical and social motivations in relation to his practice. These writings encompass the artist's ongoing critique of public space and his argument for the integral role that art plays in challenging the institutionalised and national narratives inscribed in the architecture of urban environments, and therefore in the democratic process. Working with marginalised city residents since the 1980s as active, critical democratic agents, Wodizcko explores the political and psychological potential of 'fearless'; or parrhesiastic speaking in the reanimation of our public spaces and monuments.


1910433276 (paperback)
9781910433270 (paperback)


Wodiczko, Krzysztof Political and social views.
Wodiczko, Krzysztof.
Political and social views.


Localisation: Bibliothèque main 293136
Cote: BIB 237794
Statut: Disponible


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