The American idea of home : conversations about architecture and design / Bernard Friedman ; foreword by Meghan Daum.
Entrée principale:

Friedman, Bernard (Entrepreneur), author.

Titre et auteur:

The American idea of home : conversations about architecture and design / Bernard Friedman ; foreword by Meghan Daum.


First edition.


Austin : University of Texas Press, 2017.


xviii, 227 pages : illustrations ; 27 cm.


Roger Fullington series in architecture

Includes index.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
Foreword : No place like it / Meghan Daum -- Part 1. The functions and meanings of home : Richard Meier -- Grant Hildebrand -- Witold Rybczynski -- Lester Walker -- Sarah Susanka -- Barbara Winslow and Max Jacobson -- Hadley Arnold -- Part 2. History, tradition, change : Robert Venturi and Denise Scott Brown -- Kenneth Frampton -- Lee Mindel -- Eric Owen Moss -- Robert A.M. Stern -- Sam Watters -- Douglas Garofalo -- Tracy Kidder -- Part 3. Activism, sustainability, environment : Marianne Cusato -- Andrew Freear -- Cameron Sinclair -- Robert Ivy -- Charles Gwathmey -- Part 4. Cities, suburbs, regions : Paul Goldberger -- Jeremiah Eck -- Tom Kundig -- Elizabeth Plater-Zyberk -- David Salmela -- Part 5. Technology, innovation, materials : Toshiko Mori -- Greg Lynn -- Thom Mayne -- Lorcan O'Herlihy -- Frank Escher and Ravi GuneWardena.
Dust jacket.

The American idea of home and the many types of housing that employ it launch lively, wide-ranging conversations about some of the most vital and important issues in architecture today. The topics that Friedman and his interviewees discuss illuminate five overarching themes: the functions and meanings of home; history, tradition, and change in residential architecture; activism, sustainability, and the environment; cities, suburbs, and regions; and technology, innovation, and materials. Friedman frames the interviews with an extended introduction that highlights these themes and helps readers appreciate the common concerns that underlie projects as disparate as Katrina cottages and Frank Lloyd Wright Usonian houses. Readers will come away from these thought-provoking interviews with an enhanced awareness of the "under the hood" kinds of designs decisions that fundamentally shape our ideas of home and the dwellings in which we live. -- from dust jacket.


9781477312865 (hardcover ; alkaline paper)
1477312862 (hardcover ; alkaline paper)
(library electronic book)
(non-library electronic book)
9781477312872 (pbk. ; alk. paper)
1477312870 (pbk. ; alk. paper)


Architecture United States.
Architects Interviews.
Architectural design.
Architecture États-Unis.
Architectes Entretiens.
Design architectural.
ARCHITECTURE Buildings Residential.
Home United States
Architecture, Domestic United States
United States.



Vedettes secondaires:

Daum, Meghan, 1970- writer of supplementary textual content.
Daum, Meghan, 1970- writer of foreword
Roger Fullington series in architecture.


Localisation: Bibliothèque main 295134
Cote: BIB 241192
Statut: Disponible


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