House and home : cultural contexts, ontological roles / Thomas Barrie.
Entrée principale:

Barrie, Thomas, author.

Titre et auteur:

House and home : cultural contexts, ontological roles / Thomas Barrie.


London ; New York : Routledge, 2017.


xxviii, 186 pages : illustrations ; 24 cm

Includes bibliographical references (pages [154]-178) and index.
Prologue : The problem of house and home: topics, themes, and analytical methods -- Homelessness and homecoming: cultural contexts, ontological roles, and the task of architecture : Homelessness ; The cultural contexts of the house ; The ontological function of home ; The special roles of architecture -- A home in the world: house and home in literature : Homelessness and the search for home ; Modern estrangements ; Anxious homes ; Homeliness ; Special houses in English novels -- Origins: stories and theories about the first house : Communal origins and home ; Individual origins and home ; The formative dwelling in architectural theory ; The spirituality imbued hermit scholar's retreat -- Sacred domesticities: houses for divinity, divinity of home : Traditions and lineages ; Houses for god ; Domestic sacrality ; Home and cosmogram ; House and settlement as socio-political constructs -- House tombs: domestic abodes and memorials : Death and architecture ; The symbolic potency of funerary architecture ; Traditions of house tombs ; American Indian funerary architecture -- Materializing the immaterial: the house as a means of self-exploration and expression : Writers' and philosophers' retreats ; Two houses: different perspectives ; Heidegger's Black Forest hut ; Thoreau's cabin at Walden Pond -- Domestic ideologies: modernism, postmodernism, and the house : Modernist polemics redefined ; The valorization of the house in modernism ; Postmodern counterpositions -- Domestic cultures: the twentieth-century house and suburb : Classical precedents ; English suburbs ; American counterparts ; Cultural priorities and expressions -- Epilogue : Making a home in the world.

House and home are words routinely used to describe where and how one lives. This book challenges these predominant definitions and argues that domesticity fundamentally satisfies the human need to create and inhabit a defined place in the world. Consequently, house and home have performed numerous cultural and ontological roles, and have been assiduously represented in scripture, literature, art, and philosophy. This book presents how the search for home in an unpredictable world led people to create myths about the origins of architecture, houses for their gods, and house tombs for eternal life. Turning to more recent topics, it discusses how writers often used simple huts as a means to address the essentials of existence, modernist architects envisioned the capacity of house and home to improve society, and the suburban house was positioned as a superior setting for culture and family. Throughout the book, house and home are critically examined to illustrate the perennial role and capacity of architecture to articulate the human condition, position it more meaningfully in the world, and assist in our collective homecoming.


9781138947160 (hb : alk. paper)
1138947164 (hb : alk. paper)
9781138947184 (pb : alk. paper)
1138947180 (pb : alk. paper)
9781315670232 (ebook)
9781317366492 (ePub ebook)
9781317366508 (PDF ebook)
9781317366485 (Mobipocket ebook)


Architecture, Domestic Themes, motives.
asylums (welfare buildings)


Localisation: Bibliothèque main 298155
Cote: BIB 244430
Statut: Disponible


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