International Architectural Exhibition (15th : 2016 : Venice, Italy). Baltic Pavilion,
The Baltic atlas / book contributors, Åbäke [and thirty two others] ; copy editor, Jennifer Boyd.
Berlin : Sternberg Press, [2016]
333 pages : illustrations (chiefly color), maps ; 22 cm
The Baltic Atlas, published in conjunction with the exhibition of the Baltic States Pavilion at the Venice Architecture Biennale 2016, is a gradient between two questions. The first: "what is it possible to imagine" focuses on interpretations, fictional stories, analyses, and reflections on the ongoing processes, and proposes future projections. The second: "what is possible" is an inquiry into the methods, resources, and parameters that define space. All texts have been specially written for this publication. Parallel discourses are positioned next to each other, overlaid in an atlas that works in range of different modes. An atlas is a medium that unravels multiple ways of seeing the region of the Baltic States as an intensification of networks, agendas, and ideas that are relevant on a global scale. Along with the Baltic Pavilion exhibition, this publication offers a sense of an open-ended ecology of practices -- a forum on what is to come. Exhibition: La Biennale di Venezia, Venice, Italy (28.05.2016-27.11.2016).
9783956792489 (
Regional planning Baltic States Exhibitions.
Space (Architecture) Baltic States Exhibitions.
Infrastructure (Economics) Baltic States Exhibitions.
Aménagement du territoire Pays baltes Expositions.
Espace (Architecture) Pays baltes Expositions.
Infrastructure (Economics)
Regional planning.
Space (Architecture)
Baltic States History Exhibitions.
Pays baltes Histoire Expositions.
Baltic States.
Exhibition catalogs.
Boyd, Jennifer, editor.
Åbäke (Design studio), writer of supplementary textual content.
Localisation: Bibliothèque main 305302
Cote: BIB 251104
Statut: Disponible
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