Das Andere : ein Blatt zur Einfuehrung abendlaendischer Kultur in Oesterreich / geschrieben von Adolf Loos = The other : a journal for the introduction of Western culture into Austria / written by Adolf Loos.
Entrée principale:

Loos, Adolf, 1870-1933, author.

Titre et auteur:

Das Andere : ein Blatt zur Einfuehrung abendlaendischer Kultur in Oesterreich / geschrieben von Adolf Loos = The other : a journal for the introduction of Western culture into Austria / written by Adolf Loos.


Reprint 2016 / edited by Beatriz Colomina with Kimberli Meyer.


Los Angeles : MAK Center for Art and Architecture ; Zurich : Lars Müller Publishers, [2016]


3 volumes (12, 11, 47 pages) : illustrations (some color), facsimiles, portraits ; 24 cm

Facsimile reprint of the 2 issues of the periodical "Das Andere" published in Vienna in 1903, with commentary and translation into English.
Issued in folder and plastic slipcase; title from folder.
Includes bibliographical references.
[Vol. 1] Nr. 1. -- [vol. 2] Nr. 2. -- [vol. 3] English translation.
Text in German and English.

In 1903, Adolf Loos, one of the most influential architects and critics of the 20th century, published the journal Das Andere. No topic was off-limits and it soon became one of the most significant documents of the modern era and a manual for modern life. Sometimes shockingly radical, it shows Loos's aversion to the hypocrisy and superficiality of life in Austria, counterbalanced by his admiration for the culture of the Western world. Accompanying this facsimile edition is an extensive commentary by architecture historian Beatriz Colomina, which puts the journal into a larger context, and--for the first time--an English translation of Das Andere --back cover.


9783037784815 (pbk. in sl.cs.)
3037784814 (pbk. in sl.cs.)


Art Austria Periodicals.
Art Autriche Périodiques.
Manners and customs
Austria Social life and customs Periodicals.
Vienna (Austria) Civilization 20th century.
Vienna (Austria) Social life and customs 20th century.



Vedettes secondaires:

Colomina, Beatriz, editor.
Meyer, Kimberli, editor.

Other : a journal for the introduction of Western culture into Austria


Localisation: Bibliothèque main periodicals
Cote: W.A53per 2016
Statut: Disponible

Localisation: Bibliothèque main periodicals 293129
Cote: W.A53per 2016
Statut: Disponible


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